Friday, December 04, 2009

Press Release - Navistar Test Complex

Press Release                                                              For Immediate Release December 4, 2009

The Progressive Democrats of Illinois (PDI) have taken a position opposing the proposed Navistar heavy industrial diesel testing complex that is being supported by $1 Million of our tax dollars from DuPage County, to be built in Lisle, IL at the northeast corner of Naperville and Warrenville Roads.

Dan Stafford, Co-Chair of the group, is  opposed to this project because:

  • 1.      The air quality in DuPage County has already been certified by the EPA as poor, and adding the continuous testing of dozens of heavy industrial diesel engines will only make our air more dangerous to breathe.

  • 2.      Forest Preserve land, and therefore native wildlife habitat, is scarce and precious, and should NOT be diminished for industrial projects, especially projects that pose a serious risk of polluting or contaminating adjacent Forest Preserve or Park lands, and Illinois water tables and bodies of water.

  • 3.      The storage of massive amounts of diesel fuel in one place presents a serious risk of massive explosion or environmental contamination.

  • 4.      The continuous running of diesel engines will present significant noise pollution issues right next to adjacent forest Preserve property, which diminishes the Public’s ability to experience our natural heritage in anything close to its original parameters and soundscape. A visit to the  Forest Preserve should allow you to hear natural sounds, not constant diesel noise.

PDI has already taken positions supporting efforts to protect our environment. They believe that “giving away any of the precious forest preserve land that we have is a bad precedent and should not have been approved (unanimously) by the Commissioners and President of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County.” concludes Dan Stafford.

PDI is a grass-roots, all-volunteer organization working to elect those Democrats who, through their platforms and records, have shown a true commitment to peace and social and economic justice.

“Our goal is to do for the state of Illinois what Progressive Democrats of America is doing on a national level.” States Stafford. “While PDI as an organization currently has no official connection to PDA, our leaders serve as state coordinators, chapter leaders, and in other capacities with PDA.”

PDI meets every month, and all interested parties are welcome to participate. To get more information please go to website: