Tuesday, November 30, 2010

[PDI] FW: CALL Senator Durbin RIGHT NOW to Save Social Security

What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts -- adding, adding to, adding more, continuing.

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 15:23:43 -0600
Subject: Fwd: CALL Senator Durbin RIGHT NOW to Save Social Security
From: siobhanhkolar@gmail.com
To: siobhankolar@Hotmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Gaudette <john@citizenaction-il.org>

Date: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 1:06 PM
Subject: CALL Senator Durbin RIGHT NOW to Save Social Security
To: John Gaudette <john@citizenaction-il.org>

I can not stress enough the importance of calling Sens. Kirk AND Durbin. Please do not assume that leadership supports preserving social security. Leadership is being lobbied hard by industry on the commission report.

John Gaudette

Congress to Debate Social Security Cuts



The Co-Chairs of the Fiscal Commission will recommend Deep Cuts to Social Security at their December 1st meeting.



Tell Congress to Keep their Hands Off Social Security.
You have done quite enough for the millionaires.

Social Security will have a surplus thru 2037.
Minor changes will keep this surplus for 75 years.
Eliminating the $106,000 cap on wages or ending the Bush Tax Cut for the top 2% will fund Social Security for 75 years.
Sample Script

I am calling to demand that Congress keep their hands off of social security.
DO NOT raise the retirement age or cut benefits.
Social Security has a surplus and helps all Americans.
Please do what is right for the American people, not just millionaires.
Thank you.

For More Details- http://strengthensocialsecurity.org/callcongress

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[PDI] FW: Death Penalty Bill PASSES Committee!

-----Original Message-----
From: Emma, Equal Justice USA <ejedition@ejusa.org>
Sent: November 30, 2010 10:03 AM
To: aquarianm@gmail.com
Subject: Death Penalty Bill PASSES Committee!

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Dear Daniel - 

Yesterday crowds of people converged on the Capitol in Springfield to tell their representatives to end the death penalty in Illinois. This morning the House Judiciary Committee listened and passed our bill!

We've broken through the first big barrier! Next up is the House floor and they could vote as early as this afternoon.

We need to turn our dials up to eleven - and fast. We know you have already signed a petition but we need legislators to know that we are watching them every step of the way.

Please call and email your representatives today.

It won't take more than a minute or two and the payoff would be massive. We can put an end to ten years of moratorium limbo, save millions of dollars, and ensure that no more innocent people are sentenced to death. We know this can be done because it has been done before – in New York, New Jersey, and New Mexico in just the last five years.

We've come this far in Illinois because of your help. Now help us go all the way!

Towards justice,
Emma, on behalf of all of EJUSA

P.S. Want to do more? Organize your community. Forward this email to all of your friends in Illinois!

Equal Justice USA (EJUSA) is a national leader in the movement to halt executions. We work state by state to train and empower grassroots leaders to advocate for a more fair and humane criminal justice system. Will you help us build this movement?

- If you've received this email from a friend, click here to sign up to receive our email news in the future.
- To ensure that you receive our messages, and that our emails are displayed properly by your email client, add our address -- ejedition@ejusa.org -- to your email address book or your mail system's 'whitelist.'
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Equal Justice USA
20 Jay Street, Suite 808
Brooklyn, NY 11201

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Re: [PDI] Vote on Social Security cuts in the Senate 12/1/10 ?

Yes. Citizen Action Illinois and some others are urging a call-in.

The budget mess is being used by Congress to mow down social security.
There's no connection between the deficity and social security as far as I

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Stafford" <aquarianm@gmail.com>
To: <Bob.Babcock.now@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 8:32 AM
Subject: [PDI] Vote on Social Security cuts in the Senate 12/1/10 ?

> Has anyone else heard this???
> Dan
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[PDI] Cost of War meeting tonight in Lombard, IL.

See the email below FYI.

Hello Friends,
We had a great kick-off to WSFPC's Cost of War Campaign last Tuesday night
at LMC. Ray Parrish of Vietnam Veterans Against War and Michael McConnell
spoke compellingly about the tragic costs, and touched on some steps we
can take.
WSFPC is inviting people to a Visioning & Priorities Discussion to begin
to flesh out what steps we'll take TOGETHER to move this campaign forward.
We're especially hoping people from congregations, peace & justice
committees and representatives of other peace organizations will participate in
this discussion. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us this coming
Tuesday as we begin to outline and prioritize those steps.
WHAT: Visioning & Priorities Discussion
WHEN: Tuesday, November 30th, 7:00 pm
WHERE: Lombard Mennonite Church
528 E. Madison St, Lombard, IL
Looking forward to working with you, to build an inspired campaign -
-Dave Martin

I am going to try and make this meeting. I enjoyed the meeting last week
and see this as a tough battle (excuse the pun) but very worthwhile effort.
I may have a conflict but will be making every effort to be there myself.

Don Kirchenberg
630-853-7650 Mobile
For news on trails and the environment go to
_www.friendsofthegreatwesterntrails.com_ (http://www.friendsofthegreatwesterntrails.com/)
(http://www.facebook.com/search/?o=69&sfxp=1&c1=3&c2=45) >>> Join us on
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[PDI] Vote on Social Security cuts in the Senate 12/1/10 ?

Has anyone else heard this???


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Friday, November 26, 2010

[PDI] Funnies on TSA, Bush's Book

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

[PDI] Join Unemployed Workers, Small Business People in Chicago Tues 11:30 a

For immediate release
November 12, 2010

For more information contact
Susan Hurley, Executive Director
Chicago Jobs with Justice
773.412.2386 (cell)
312.738.6161 (work)
susanh@jwj.org, or

John Gaudette, Organizing Director
Citizen Action/Illinois
312.685.0585 (cell)
312.427.2114 x208 (work)

Unemployed Workers, Small Business People Mobilize Calls to Congress for Unemployment Benefits, Jobs

What: Press Conference and Protest on Unemployment Insurance

Who: Chicago Jobs with Justice Unemployed Workers Council and Illinois Main Street Alliance

Where: State of Illinois Building, 100 W. Randolph

When: Tuesday, November 16, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Tuesday, unemployed workers will join with small business owners and
others concerned with the lack of support for America's unemployed
workers. Unemployed workers will call on Congress to pass an extension
of Unemployment Benefits with the same speed they passed bailouts for
Wall Street. Unemployed Workers Council and the Illinois Main Street
Alliance want to preserve this lifeline to middle class families, small
business and the economy.

Scorzo, 27, a laid off union electrician from Chicago, says, "Congress
has to gets its priorities straight. Why are they bailing out
millionaires with tax breaks and cutting my benefits while I look for
work and go to school?"

produce customers, period," stated Dan Sherry of the Illinois Main
Street Alliance. "When unemployed workers become impoverished without
any support, small business will continue to lose customers and close."


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Friday, November 12, 2010

Re: [PDI] House and Senate

yes. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kat <KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
To: Beth Penesis <epenesis@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 11, 2010 12:24 am
Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate

The new members won't be there until after the first of the year, right?

Public Google Calendar:
-----Original Message-----
rom: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
ender: pdi-bounces@illinoisprogressives.org
ate: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 10:45:56
o: Katherine Doyle<KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
eply-To: Progressive Dems of IL <pdi@illinoisprogressives.org>
ubject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate
True. But if the Senate passes anything in the next few weeks...

-----Original Message-----
rom: KatDoyle <engageinactivism@gmail.com>
ent: November 08, 2010 9:17 AM
o: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
ubject: [PDI] House and Senate
So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation that the
enate never did anything with.
Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation passed by the
ouse after the new Congress is sworn in?
The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-brother,
mall-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge the agenda without
orrying about any of it becoming law.

at Doyle
Public Google Calendar:
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

[PDI] Honoring our Veterans: Wreaths Across America , Anti- Death Penalty Bus to Springfield this Tuesday

Wreaths lay honors on veterans

This Veterans Day, consider honoring someone who served and also cheering our troops.

There are 25,000 veterans laid to rest at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Sponsoring a wreath is $15 and part of that donation would go to send packages to troops overseas. Read on...

Wreaths lay honors on veterans
Nov 4, 2010 09:14AM

Operation Care Package (OCP) needs your help in remembering those who valiantly served our country.

Once again, OCP will honor those buried at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery (ALNC) with a short ceremony and wreath laying planned for 11 a.m. Dec. 11.

Last year, OCP had more than 2,500 wreaths donated to the cemetery. But more than 25,000 veterans are buried there, so there is much more work to do.

Wreath sponsorships purchased through Nov. 24 will be placed on veterans' graves in 2010; orders placed later we be laid in 2011.

A wreath costs $15. Checks can be made payable to Wreaths Across America (WAA) and sent to: OCP Wreath Project, 611 Wilcox St., Joliet, IL 60435.

If someone has a loved one buried at Abraham Lincoln Cemetery, OCP volunteers will be happy to lay a wreath at that family member's grave. Family must include the veteran's full name, section and number when placing the order through OCP.

Wreaths also can be purchased at www.wreathsacrossamerica.org. WAA cannot accommodate grave-specific requests, so going through OCP is the only option. If ordering through WAA, make sure you include OCP's group ID number: ILOCP 0001. WAA will donate $5 back to OCP for every wreath purchased if the ID number is used. That money will then be used to help send Christmas packages to troops overseas.

OCP has set a goal of laying 10,000 wreaths on Dec. 11. Besides sponsoring wreaths, volunteers also are needed to help lay wreaths, get sponsors for wreaths and help with donations of food for a luncheon afterward.

So if you know of a group, organization or individual who would like to sponsor or lay wreaths, let them know to place their orders soon - and please help spread the word.

Active military members or veterans are needed to stand in the 125-flag line during the ceremony. If interested, call Debbie at 815-723-6960 or e-mail proudarmysis4@sbcglobal.net.

Tezak's Home to Celebrate Life is another organization that is sponsoring Wreath's Across America this year. To sponsor a wreath or for information, call Tezak's at 815-722-0524 or stop in at 1211 Plainfield Road in Joliet to fill out a form.

Death Penalty Opponents ( LWV ) to Lobby Springfield

Bus to Leave from Glen Ellyn Walmart early early in the am!!

Interested in being on that bus?

Call: Janet at 847-864-7849 to reserve your place

Or Liz
LWV staff will get all the details to you asap.

They'd like the bus in Glen Ellyn
moving by 6:30am.

The League has been working like crazy to see that
legislators give repeal consideration during Veto Session but it will
require a big push on the 16th.

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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

I'm lost here.....been posting to much here of late. Thanks for replying for I
sure don't get much back. Oh by the way my home town is Danville. My mother
still lives there and I get to come home every so often but she keeps me
informed and I get the Commercial News via e-mail.

From: Jeff and Julie Greenslade <jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com>
To: Mark Pearson <allen_holtwood2003@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 8:07:18 PM
Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate

For some reason I thought three...What about West Virginia?

On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Gary Kleppe wrote:

> Quoting Jeff and Julie Greenslade <jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com>:
>> Delaware and New York had special elections too...so three newly
>> elected people will be there for lame duck.
> Make that two. In New York, the incumbent won.
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

For some reason I thought three...What about West Virginia?

On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Gary Kleppe wrote:

> Quoting Jeff and Julie Greenslade <jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com>:
>> Delaware and New York had special elections too...so three newly
>> elected people will be there for lame duck.
> Make that two. In New York, the incumbent won.
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

How do we know the outcome of our elections (since 2000) when we really do
not know several things:

1) The criteria, methodology for polling, especially of close elections
2) That the election machines are producing correct tally, knowing that
they can be manipulated or corrupted
3) That absent exit polls for races, which have been historically 99.5 or
more accurate in the past, we are to blindly trust the tallies from the
election machines

Until we have citizen oversight of hand counted paper ballots in the
precinct on election day, we can have NO confidence that any election is

If that is the case, Obama should have had a larger majority in 2008, but
that was not reflected in the outcome of those elected to Congress. He
would have been able to push through legislation, rather than fight the
battles that he had to endure.

We need publicly financed elections, a responsive media, and ballot
integrity to push the a progressive agenda forward. If we as progressives
JUST concentrate on those three things, *everything else* will fall into

We can do this. Hammer your Illinois and US Congressional Reps with phone
calls telling them to support the Fair Elections Now Act. Put a reminder on
your phone with their phone numbers. Put them on speed dial. Call them.

And like a shampoo bottle instructions, rinse and repeat. Every Day.

We have gotten through worse--like Bush and Cheney.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Gary Kleppe <gary@garykleppe.org> wrote:

> Quoting Jeff and Julie Greenslade <jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com>:
> Delaware and New York had special elections too...so three newly
>> elected people will be there for lame duck.
> Make that two. In New York, the incumbent won.
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
> http://illinoisprogressives.org/mailman/listinfo/pdi_illinoisprogressives.org
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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

It was accidental, but I actually like ELECTOON better. It more befits the insanity.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff and Julie Greenslade <jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com>
Sent: November 11, 2010 8:18 AM
To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate

Delaware and New York had special elections too...so three newly
elected people will be there for lame duck.


On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:44 AM, Dan Stafford wrote:

> Correct, except Kirk of IL, who won a special electoon to complete
> the remainder of Roland Burriss's Senate term this year.
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kat <KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
> Sent: November 11, 2010 12:24 AM
> To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate
> The new members won't be there until after the first of the year,
> right?
> --
> Kat
> Public Google Calendar:
> <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=engageinactivism%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago
> >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
> Sender: pdi-bounces@illinoisprogressives.org
> Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 10:45:56
> To: Katherine Doyle<KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
> Reply-To: Progressive Dems of IL <pdi@illinoisprogressives.org>
> Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate
> True. But if the Senate passes anything in the next few weeks...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: KatDoyle <engageinactivism@gmail.com>
> Sent: November 08, 2010 9:17 AM
> To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
> Subject: [PDI] House and Senate
> So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation
> that the Senate never did anything with.
> Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation
> passed by the House after the new Congress is sworn in?
> The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-
> brother, small-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge
> the agenda without worrying about any of it becoming law.
> --
> Kat Doyle
> Public Google Calendar:
> <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=engageinactivism%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago
> >
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
> http://illinoisprogressives.org/mailman/listinfo/pdi_illinoisprogressives.org
> This message was sent to aquarianm@gmail.com.
> To unsubscribe, visit the URL above, or email webmaster@illinoisprogressives.org
> for assistance.
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
> http://illinoisprogressives.org/mailman/listinfo/pdi_illinoisprogressives.org
> This message was sent to KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com.
> To unsubscribe, visit the URL above, or email webmaster@illinoisprogressives.org
> for assistance.
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
> http://illinoisprogressives.org/mailman/listinfo/pdi_illinoisprogressives.org
> This message was sent to aquarianm@gmail.com.
> To unsubscribe, visit the URL above, or email webmaster@illinoisprogressives.org
> for assistance.
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
> http://illinoisprogressives.org/mailman/listinfo/pdi_illinoisprogressives.org
> This message was sent to jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com.
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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

Quoting Jeff and Julie Greenslade <jeffandjuliegreenslade@gmail.com>:

> Delaware and New York had special elections too...so three newly
> elected people will be there for lame duck.

Make that two. In New York, the incumbent won.

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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

Delaware and New York had special elections too...so three newly
elected people will be there for lame duck.


On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:44 AM, Dan Stafford wrote:

> Correct, except Kirk of IL, who won a special electoon to complete
> the remainder of Roland Burriss's Senate term this year.
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kat <KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
> Sent: November 11, 2010 12:24 AM
> To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate
> The new members won't be there until after the first of the year,
> right?
> --
> Kat
> Public Google Calendar:
> <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=engageinactivism%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago
> >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
> Sender: pdi-bounces@illinoisprogressives.org
> Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 10:45:56
> To: Katherine Doyle<KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
> Reply-To: Progressive Dems of IL <pdi@illinoisprogressives.org>
> Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate
> True. But if the Senate passes anything in the next few weeks...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: KatDoyle <engageinactivism@gmail.com>
> Sent: November 08, 2010 9:17 AM
> To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
> Subject: [PDI] House and Senate
> So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation
> that the Senate never did anything with.
> Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation
> passed by the House after the new Congress is sworn in?
> The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-
> brother, small-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge
> the agenda without worrying about any of it becoming law.
> --
> Kat Doyle
> Public Google Calendar:
> <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=engageinactivism%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago
> >
> _______________________________________________
> PDI mailing list
> PDI@illinoisprogressives.org
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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

Correct, except Kirk of IL, who won a special electoon to complete the remainder of Roland Burriss's Senate term this year.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kat <KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
Sent: November 11, 2010 12:24 AM
To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate

The new members won't be there until after the first of the year, right?


Public Google Calendar:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Sender: pdi-bounces@illinoisprogressives.org
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 10:45:56
To: Katherine Doyle<KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
Reply-To: Progressive Dems of IL <pdi@illinoisprogressives.org>
Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate

True. But if the Senate passes anything in the next few weeks...

-----Original Message-----
From: KatDoyle <engageinactivism@gmail.com>
Sent: November 08, 2010 9:17 AM
To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Subject: [PDI] House and Senate

So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation that the Senate never did anything with.

Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation passed by the House after the new Congress is sworn in?

The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-brother, small-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge the agenda without worrying about any of it becoming law.

Kat Doyle

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Re: [PDI] House and Senate

The new members won't be there until after the first of the year, right?


Public Google Calendar:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Sender: pdi-bounces@illinoisprogressives.org
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 10:45:56
To: Katherine Doyle<KatDoyle@uscellular.blackberry.com>
Reply-To: Progressive Dems of IL <pdi@illinoisprogressives.org>
Subject: Re: [PDI] House and Senate

True. But if the Senate passes anything in the next few weeks...

-----Original Message-----
From: KatDoyle <engageinactivism@gmail.com>
Sent: November 08, 2010 9:17 AM
To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Subject: [PDI] House and Senate

So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation that the Senate never did anything with.

Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation passed by the House after the new Congress is sworn in?

The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-brother, small-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge the agenda without worrying about any of it becoming law.

Kat Doyle

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[PDI] Fw: "Illinois Clean Elections Campaign" sent you a message

----- Original Message -----
From: Facebook
To: Bob Babcock
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:17 AM
Subject: "Illinois Clean Elections Campaign" sent you a message on Facebook...

Bob Babcock sent a message to the members of Illinois Clean Elections Campaign.

Bob BabcockNovember 10, 2010 at 11:16am
Subject: Advocate for Clean Elections at Activist Meeting - Saturday, 11/13/2010
Roots Camp is being held at IBEW 701 hall in Warrenville this Saturday.
I think you'll probably agree that restoring DEMOCRACY has to be a priority, NOW!
We saw the disastrous results last week of the aftermath of the SCOTUS decision on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
Here's a chance to advocate among our activist friends for a focus on this issue. IMMEDIATELY there's a need to pass existing legislation during the lame duck session.
Please register, attend, and speak up for Clean Elections!

Event: RootsCamp Illinois
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CT)
Location: 28600 Bella Vista Parkway Warrenvile 60555

Go to: http://www.facebook.com/l/706c1tLiU32boEP9AVCkCKdEOvA;rootscampil.eventbrite.com/?ref=eivtefrnd

Bob & Linda Babcock
Finance Consultants
Cell: 630.417.0042
Fax: 630.493.9494
Harmony Consulting Group - for overall finance consultation
Equity Financial Group - for home financing
Chicagoland Financial Education Foundation - a new not-for-profit providing services to the general public
World Financial Group - for specific financial products and F/T-P/T employment opportunities for individuals entering the profession of financial services
We help you finance your life (investing, retirement, etc.), your home and your business.
This message was intended for bob.babcock.now@gmail.com. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please follow the link below to unsubscribe. http://www.facebook.com/o.php?k=564ac8&u=1255174636&mid=344d0ceG4ad071ecG2369843G0 Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

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Re: [PDI] Personal invitation from Dennis Dixon

It should be needless to say, but don't click on any of the links in
the previous email, not unless you'd like malware installed on your

Quoting Dennis Dixon <denndx@yahoo.com>:

> Hello,<br /><br />Imagine one day I changed my e-mail address... and
> automatically, and without having to tell you, my new address was
> entered in your address book! It¿s now possible!<br /><br />UNYK is
> a really effective tool that allows you to securely and more easily
> than ever manage all your contacts..<br /><br />As soon as one of
> your contacts changes his or her contact info, your address book is
> automatically updated and vice versa. With UNYK, from now on, the
> only contact info you have to

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[PDI] Personal invitation from Dennis Dixon

If you are not able to click these links, click the following: « Show content » and try again.
E-mail sent 11/10/2010 9:20:09 AM, by Dennis Dixon:


Hello,<br /><br />Imagine one day I changed my e-mail address... and automatically, and without having to tell you, my new address was entered in your address book! It¿s now possible!<br /><br />UNYK is a really effective tool that allows you to securely and more easily than ever manage all your contacts..<br /><br />As soon as one of your contacts changes his or her contact info, your address book is automatically updated and vice versa. With UNYK, from now on, the only contact info you have to

Imagine one day I changed my e-mail address... and automatically, and without having to tell you, my new address was entered in your address book! It's now possible!

UNYK is a really effective tool that allows you to securely and more easily than ever manage all your contacts.

As soon as one of your contacts changes his or her contact info, your address book is automatically updated and vice versa. With UNYK, from now on, the only contact info you have to keep up to date is your own.

Can I add you as one of my contacts? To accept, click here!

You too can create your own smart address book.

It's simple, free and 100% secure.

Dennis Dixon
UNYK : NYF 571

Please do not reply to this email directly. Questions? Contact us - http://unyk.com/en/Contact
UNYK Inc., 1010 de Serigny, suite 820, Longueuil, QC, J4K 5G7, Canada.

I no longer wish to receive invitations to join UNYK from Dennis Dixon: Unsubscribe

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UNYK, the first smart address book that updates itself!

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Monday, November 08, 2010

Re: [PDI] House and Senate

Your thoughts about this from Joanne ONeill

I still think this would be one of the best and quickest ways to clean up
Washington so we can actually get something productive done. Then we might
have a chance to impeach the Supremes, get accountability for torture and
rendition, stop the wars, get Medicare for All, clean up the environment .

The Corporate money would not be an issue any longer, but we would have to
push to have Fair Elections become part of the Constitution, if we want to
protect if from the Supreme Court.

I really think we should push Pelosi and Reid to bring this to the floor
during the lame duck session.

PDF of Fair Elections Now Act Bill Summary249.11 KB


Title: Fair Elections Now Act
Sponsor: Rep Larson, John B. [CT-1] (introduced 3/31/2009) Cosponsors
Related Bills: H.R.6116, S.752
Latest Major Action: 7/30/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status:
Committee Hearings Held.

Title: Fair Elections Now Act
Sponsor: Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] (introduced 3/31/2009) Cosponsors
Related Bills: H.R.1826, H.R.6116
Latest Major Action: 3/31/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read
twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

Check here to see if your representative has sponsored yet, if not ask them
to sign on now.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"PDA Clean, Fair, Transparent Elections IOT" group.
To post to this group, send email to pdacleanelections@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at

Bob & Linda Babcock
Finance Consultants
Cell: 630.417.0042
Fax: 630.493.9494
Harmony Consulting Group - for overall finance consultation
Equity Financial Group - for home financing
Chicagoland Financial Education Foundation - a new not-for-profit providing
services to the general public
World Financial Group - for specific financial products and F/T-P/T
employment opportunities for individuals entering the profession of
financial services
We help you finance your life (investing, retirement, etc.), your home and
your business.

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Re: [PDI] House and Senate

True. But if the Senate passes anything in the next few weeks...

-----Original Message-----
From: KatDoyle <engageinactivism@gmail.com>
Sent: November 08, 2010 9:17 AM
To: Dan Stafford <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Subject: [PDI] House and Senate

So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation that the Senate never did anything with.

Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation passed by the House after the new Congress is sworn in?

The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-brother, small-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge the agenda without worrying about any of it becoming law.

Kat Doyle

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[PDI] House and Senate

So. In the last session of Congress the House passed legislation that the Senate never did anything with.

Is it likely that the Senate will be able to block legislation passed by the House after the new Congress is sworn in?

The Republican majority in the House can pass all kinds of crazy big-brother, small-minded stuff and the nation can get a chance to judge the agenda without worrying about any of it becoming law.

Kat Doyle

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Thursday, November 04, 2010



Dear Friends, Neighbors and Editors:

I do not like moral political victories but one has to make the exception
for a special person that happens to have been a candidate - Ben Lowe. This
young man is well on his way to success. We were lucky to have him take on
the challenge as a candidate against unbelievable odds and without the
support of any established political party until the Dems gave him some
support late in the race. We need more people like Ben to step forward and
participate in the political process.
Thank you again to Ben and to all the new people he brought into his
campaign. We can only hope that Ben and his supporters will continue to be
engaged in politics and ultimately get elected.
And for those beating on their collective chests and yelling like Tarzan
about their new found power in taking over this or that I suggest you
consider this quote...
"Do not hold the delusion that your advancement is accomplished by
crushing others."-Cicero

Don Kirchenberg

Feel free to pass along this email.

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Monday, November 01, 2010

[PDI] Know your rights on Election Day, NEED A RIDE TO THE POLLS? Why you should vote!

For November 2nd: Don't get scammed or intimidated, know your rights on Election Day!

For the first time, DAWN Voter Advocates will offer rides to the polls in DuPage County.

Please email kslovick@msn.com<mailto:kslovick@msn.com> or call 630-569-8251 in order to request a ride, I will match you to the nearest volunteer.

Above all, VOTE!! Kathy

Ladies, please don't "sit this one out"
Your vote is your VOICE.
I'm passing this on...K

Don't forget about our Mothers and Grandmothers who lived only 90 years ago.

Remember, it was not until 1920 that women were granted the right to go to the polls and vote.

The women were innocent and defenseless, but they were jailed nonetheless for picketing the White House, carrying signs asking for the vote.

And by the end of the night, they were barely alive. Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of 'obstructing sidewalk traffic..'

(Lucy Burns)
They beat Lucy Burns, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the night, bleeding and gasping for air.

(Dora Lewis)

They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold. Her cell mate, Alice Cosu, thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart attack. Additional affidavits describe the guards grabbing, dragging, beating, choking, slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the women.

Thus unfolded the 'Night of Terror' on Nov. 15, 1917, when the warden at the Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered his guards to teach a lesson to the suffragists imprisoned there because they dared to picket Woodrow Wilson's White House for the right to vote. For weeks, the women's only water came from an open pail. Their food--all of it colorless slop--was infested with worms.

(Alice Paul)

When one of the leaders, Alice Paul, embarked on a hunger strike, they tied her to a chair, forced a tube down her throat and poured liquid into her until she vomited. She was tortured like this for weeks until word was smuggled out to the press..

So, refresh MY memory. Some women won't vote this year because - Why, exactly? We have carpool duties? We have to get to work? Our vote doesn't matter? It's raining?

Mrs Pauline Adams in the prison garb she wore while serving a 60 day sentence.

Last week, I went to a sparsely attended screening of HBO's new movie 'Iron Jawed Angels.' It is a graphic depiction of the battle these women waged so that I could pull the curtain at the polling booth and have my say. I am ashamed to say I needed the reminder.

Miss Edith Ainge, of Jamestown, New York

All these years later, voter registration is still my passion. But the actual act of voting had become less personal for me, more rote. Frankly, voting often felt more like an obligation than a privilege. Sometimes it was inconvenient.

(Berthe Arnold, CSU graduate)

My friend Wendy, who is my age and studied women's history, saw the HBO movie, too. When she stopped by my desk to talk about it, she looked angry. She was -- with herself. 'One thought kept coming back to me as I watched that movie,' she said. 'What would those women think of the way I use, or don't use, my right to vote? All of us take it for granted now, not just younger women, but those of us who did seek to learn.' The right to vote, she said, had become valuable to her 'all over again.'

HBO released the movie on video and DVD . I wish all history, social studies and government teachers would include the movie in their curriculum I want it shown on Bunco/Bingo night, too, and anywhere else women gather. I realize this isn't our usual idea of socializing, but we are not voting in the numbers that we should be, and I think a little shock therapy is in order.

Conferring over ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution at National Woman's Party headquarters, Jackson Place , Washington , D.C.

Left to right: Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, Mrs. Abby Scott Baker, Anita Pollitzer, Alice Paul, Florence Boeckel, Mabel Vernon (standing, right))

It is jarring to watch Woodrow Wilson and his cronies try to persuade a psychiatrist to declare Alice Paul insane so that she could be permanently institutionalized. And it is inspiring to watch the doctor refuse. Alice Paul was strong, he said, and brave. That didn't make her crazy.

The doctor admonished the men: 'Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.'

Please, if you are so inclined, pass this on to all the women you know.. We need to get out and vote and use this right that was fought so hard for by these very courageous women. Whether you vote democratic, republican or independent party - remember to vote.

Helena Hill Weed, Norwalk , Conn. Serving 3 day sentence in D.C. prison for carrying banner, 'Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.'
Out of respect for the blood, sweat, and tears of our mothers and grandmothers, and those who fought before us for the fight for equality- Don't sit this election or any election out. VOTE.

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