Thursday, December 22, 2011

[PDI] FW: How the GOP Stole Christmas


-----Original Message-----
From: Robby Mook <>
Sent: December 22, 2011 3:59 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: How the GOP Stole Christmas

Daniel --

Thanks to tremendous grassroots support, we are aggressively holding Tea Party Republicans accountable for blocking a payroll tax cut for the middle class and leaving for their holiday vacation.

As Republicans try to walk away from the American people, we've just launched so you and your friends can send a message to Speaker Boehner telling him to stop the middle class tax increase before it's too late.

After you send your message, forward this email to 3 friends and share the site on Facebook and Twitter.
Your pressure on House Republicans is paying off.  Take a look at some of the headlines across the country blasting Republicans for irresponsibly leaving Washington and forcing a $1,000 tax hike on 160 million middle income Americans on January 1st.
CBS News: House GOP Takes a Political Beating in Payroll Tax Fight [12/21/11]
ABC: House Republicans Under Attack in Payroll Tax Standoff [12/21/11]
LA Times: House GOP hearing it from all sides over payroll tax cut [12/21/11]
Washington Post: Dems Go On Offense Over GOP Payroll Tax Cut Opposition [12/19/11]
The Hill: DCCC Unleashing Carville on House GOP [12/19/11]
Even some of their own party are calling out House Republicans on their recklessness. More than 235,000 individuals have signed our petition telling House Republicans to stand with the middle class, not the Tea Party, and support the payroll tax cut compromise before it's too late. Let's keep the pressure on Republicans. If you haven't already, sign our petition.

Thank you,


Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

[PDI] FW: Top Gingrich aide quits after calling Romney’s religion a ‘cult’

Laughter and tears mixed in this, but I bet it's the proposed cellphone ban that will generate the most "correspondence" with our insane politicians.


-----Original Message-----
From: Raw Story Top Stories <>
Sent: December 14, 2011 10:03 AM
Subject: Top Gingrich aide quits after calling Romney's religion a 'cult'

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^ Top Stories for December 14, 2011



› [2]Top Gingrich aide quits after calling Romney's religion a 'cult'

› [3]Holder promises inspection of so-called 'voter fraud' measures

› [4]Poll: Ron Paul only 1 point behind Gingrich in Iowa

› [5]Ron Paul: Obama pushing 'martial law,' Holder should be 'fired'

› [6]Desperate British students 'turning to prostitution'

› [7]Chuck E. Cheese's fined for child labor law violations

› [8]ACLU sues Wisconsin Gov. Walker over new voter ID law

› [9]Movie executives see record profits, salaries despite piracy

› [10]Arsenic in water near coal-fired U.S. plants

Rep. Tonko recites his own 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' poem

Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) gave an unusual speech to his fellow lamakers on
Tuesday. The congressman recited his own version of the holiday poem "Twas
the Night Before Christmas" to chide Congress for failing to protect the
middle class and help the unemployed, all while giving tax breaks to the
rich. [11]Read more ›


Colbert: Trump should just run for the Whig Party

Emboldened by Donald Trump dropping out of the Newsmax GOP debate, Stephen
Colbert made certain to plug his own debate again Tuesday evening. Hearing
the billionaire withdrew from moderating because of his urge to still run as
an independent candidate for president, Colbert gave his usual, animated
opinion on Trump. [13]Read more ›


Check out all of our
Occupy Wall Street
coverage [14]here ›

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Monday, December 12, 2011

[PDI] FW: Message from Senator Durbin


-----Original Message-----
Sent: December 12, 2011 8:32 PM
Subject: Message from Senator Durbin

December 12, 2011
Mr. Daniel Stafford
40 N Tower RD Apt 9n
Oak Brook, IL 60523-1120
Dear Mr. Stafford:
Thank you for contacting me regarding detention provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012. I appreciate hearing from you.
The Senate recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY12 (S. 1867), the companion measure to the House bill (H.R. 1540). While the bill contains a number of provisions critical to maintaining the strength of our Armed Forces and the security of our nation, there are some provisions of concern.
Sections in S. 1867 expand the military targeting and detention powers of the President and authorize the detention of individuals without charge or adequate due process for indefinite periods of time. Some provisions also make it difficult for detainees to be released from the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and ban the use of the federal court system for the prosecution of terrorism suspects, favoring military commissions for all cases.
Our commitment to principle, even during difficult times, has made America a special country. We must not allow the depravity of our enemies to cause us to abandon our nation's most fundamental values. Indefinite detention without recourse to legal proceedings is inconsistent with the principles of liberty and the rule of law that underpin our democracy.
Recognizing this, the Senate agreed on a compromise amendment, introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, that clarifies the language on detainees, excluding United States citizens, lawful resident aliens, and anyone captured or arrested in the United Sates. A number of other amendments were also resolved, including one that would give the Chief of the National Guard full voting membership on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the biggest change since the Marine Corps was given full membership in 1979.
The Senate and House are currently reconciling the differences between the two versions of the NDAA.
It is essential that the bill supports the readiness of our military and enhances its ability to protect the fundamental freedoms that we cherish. I will continue to work to ensure that the Defense Department and the Veterans Administration receive the necessary funding to keep our troops and country safe and to meet the needs of the brave men and women who have served in the armed forces.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. Please feel free to stay in touch.
Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

[PDI] Thursday Dec 15 AMI Chicago Chapter Meeting -- NO MORE Economic BAND AIDS! Systemic Change to Serve the Needs of the 99%


WHAT: AMI Chicago Chapter Meeting
WHEN: Thursday, December 15th, 7-9:30pm
WHERE: MultiKulti, 1000 N. Milwaukee, 4th floor (ring buzzer)
WHO: Glenn Fritz, Steve Walsh, Geraldine Perry

DESCRIPTION: The time for economic band aids is over and the need for
systemic change is extremely urgent! This meeting will focus on what
kind of systemic change needs to take place, why we can no longer afford
to waste time on distractions and false solutions, and how we might best
carry this urgent message to the public at large. The meeting will be
divided into two segments. The first segment will include a recap of the
key elements of proper, Constitutional monetary reform and some key
provisions of the NEED Act followed by a question and answer period. The
second segment will be a brainstorming session on how to raise
visibility of and increase support for the NEED Act, including an
idea-sharing session for strategic participation in upcoming events such
as the upcoming G-8 Conference, the NATO conference and the elections,
and an idea-sharing session on ways to go about setting up monetary
reform study groups and activist support groups.

Contact: Geri at 708-460-5683

PS: For "homework" watch this short - under two minute - clip on why the
last financial crisis was predictable and inevitable and why it is
guaranteed to happen again unless we go for systemic change:

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Friday, December 09, 2011

[PDI] FW: Fighting foreclosure


-----Original Message-----
From: Van Jones, Rebuild The Dream <>
Sent: December 09, 2011 1:05 PM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: Fighting foreclosure

Dear Daniel,On Tuesday, all over America, the 99% launched "Occupy Our Homes." In dozens of cities people joined occupations and major protests to defend families threatened by foreclosure. They bravely confronted greedy banks that are letting houses sit empty while too many people struggle to find a place to call home.

I believe Tuesday marks the opening of a major new front for our movement, and I am so inspired by the stories I've heard of brave homeowners and their communities rising up together to say "enough" to the foreclosure crisis.

I want to share a truly touching video that tells the story of one of these homeowners. Take a look:

Watch the video
The story is powerful and sharing it helps us all find our own courage to take action. When you hear Vietnam veteran Bobby Hull in Minneapolis, who is facing foreclosure in the dead of winter, you know that these people shouldn't lose their homes. And you know that it's the big banks that are in the wrong.

So take a look and if you have a story of your own to share, you can submit it to the folks at Occupy Our Homes and use your own voice to help push back against foreclosure:

Defending our homes and putting an end to the foreclosure crisis is such a powerful next step for the growing 99% movement. Together we can hold the big Wall Street banks accountable and rebuild the American Dream.

Thanks for all you do.

–Van, Natalie, Billy, Ian, Jim, Somer, and the Rebuild team

P.S. You can see even more inspiring stories from Occupy Our Homes of homeowners and communities fighting back against foreclosure here:

Rebuild the Dream and MoveOn are committed to nonviolence in the long tradition of protest movements throughout our history that have brought America closer to our founding dream—liberty and justice for all. As progressives we respect all people, and will not support or endorse any violence or property destruction.

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[PDI] FW: Thank You for Protesting the Confiscation of Occupy Chicago's Supplies Cart


-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Wade <>
Sent: December 09, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Thank You for Protesting the Confiscation of Occupy Chicago's Supplies Cart

Dear Daniel,

Thank you for responding to the outrageous action of the Chicago police in confiscating  Occupy Chicago's supplies cart. I heard from many of you that the video link was down because of heavy traffic. We hope to have it up on a site that can support greater traffic soon. Right now the link is up at

I also heard that the Mayor's office had so many calls they were swamped. Good on you! If you didn't get through you can still call. Mayor's office: 312-744-3300

Many people also suggested following up on this outrage legally with a complaint to the police. If anyone would like to research how to do this and contact me we can move this idea forward.

For those who missed the previous email on the supply cart confiscation here is an exerpt: 

"Recently police removed a supplies cart belonging to Occupy Chicago and crushed it in a Streets and Sanitation truck in front of Occupy at Lasalle and Jackson. Here's the unedited video:

Please call the Mayor's Office at 312-744-3300 to let him know that we protest the theft of Occupy's belongings by the police."

Please keep the petition going-- the more Chicagoans who support the constitutional rights of Occupy the more the Mayor will know we, and Occupy, are to be listened to. Occupy is planning to establish a base in Grant Park in the spring. We can make a big difference in their success.

Nancy Wade
Co-sponsor of "Let the #occupychicago movement stay in Grant Park without arrests" Petition advocating the freedom of assembly rights of Occupy Chicago, 13,697 signers


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Thursday, December 08, 2011

[PDI] FW: Hefty Gingrich debts a decades-long pattern


-----Original Message-----
From: Raw Story Top Stories <>
Sent: December 08, 2011 1:03 PM
Subject: Hefty Gingrich debts a decades-long pattern

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^ Top Stories for December 8, 2011



› [2]WATCH LIVE: Reports of shots fired at Virginia Tech

› [3]Remains of 274 U.S. troops dumped in landfill: report

› [4]Hefty Gingrich debts a decades-long pattern

› [5]Newt Gingrich's sister: I'm voting Obama

› [6]Michigan teacher takes 'gay' out of 'Deck the Halls'

› [7]RNC chairman calls Trump debate 'a problem'

› [8]Elizabeth Warren leads in Massachusetts Senate race

› [9]Gingrich: 5-year-olds working is an 'education in life'

› [10]ACLU asks Supreme Court to invalidate patents for human genes

Parody ad: 'God does not believe in Rick Perry'

Reacting to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's latest advertisement, which assails what
the presidential candidate calls President Barack Obama's "war on
religion," liberal satirist Andy Cobb published his own take, which
concludes that "God does not believe in Rick Perry." [11]Read more ›


Stewart: Indefinite detention bill 'one-way ticket to Gitmo'

Last night's The Daily Show featured a two-part examination of the new bill
passed by the Senate that allows the government to detain American citizens
without a trial for indefinite amounts of time. [13]Read more ›


Check out all of our
Occupy Wall Street
coverage [14]here ›

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-----Original Message-----
From: Robby Mook <>
Sent: December 08, 2011 4:39 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: BREAKING: GOP Leaves Town

Daniel --

Republicans plan to skip town tonight without voting for the payroll tax cut extension.

Failure to extend the payroll tax cut would mean a $1,000 tax hike for the average American family. Economists say it could also cost between 400,000 and 1 million American jobs.

And get this: according to Politico, in a closed-door meeting Speaker Boehner told the Republican House caucus that extending the payroll tax cut and helping Americans pay their bills is "chicken shi--."

That's the kind of reckless attitude that got our economy in trouble in the first place. Now, let's put the pressure on Republicans to stop this.

Help us reach our new goal of 100,000 people telling Speaker Boehner, Eric Cantor and the rest of the Tea Party Republicans in Congress that extending the payroll tax cut is critical to the American people. It's definitely not "chicken sh--" >>

Daniel, we only have until midnight to send this message to Republicans. Make sure you sign immediately.



Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director

P.S. After you sign, please forward this email to 3 friends and encourage them to add their name. Then share this petition on Facebook and Twitter.

From: Nancy Pelosi
Sent: Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 1:28pm
Subject: Republicans stand for the 1%

Friend --

The current debate about the payroll tax cut is showing the Republicans' true colors.

With Congress set to go out of session in a matter of days, GOP Leadership is going to let Tea Party Republicans skip town for the holidays without agreeing to an extension of the payroll tax cut.

A failure by Congressional Republicans to extend the existing payroll tax cut will cause a tax increase for millions of hardworking Americans at a time when they are trying hard to get back on their feet.

The average American family will see a tax increase over $1,000 a year if the payroll tax cut is not extended. Worse yet, economists estimate that blocking this middle class tax cut could cost between 400,000 and 1 million American jobs.

Help us reach 50,000 signatures by Midnight Thursday telling Republicans to extend the payroll tax cut.

Sign our petition today telling Boehner, Cantor and the rest of the Tea Party Republicans in Congress that extending the payroll tax cut is critical to the American people and the American economy.
Congress must not leave for the holidays without extending this vital tax break to the American people. But if Republicans have their way, that's exactly what will happen.

Speaker Boehner and Eric Cantor are saying the only way they will even consider extending the payroll tax cut is by funding it with cuts to Medicare and slashing critical environmental regulations. They're even trying to couple the tax cut extension with giveaways for Big Oil.

The Democratic plan to extend the payroll tax cut would cut payroll taxes for 98 percent of employers and put cash in the hands of about 160 million families. It would do all of this while ensuring Medicare and Social Security are kept safe and readily available to American seniors.

Stand with me today and tell Boehner, Cantor and Republicans in Congress to extend the payroll tax cut immediately >>

Thank you,

Nancy Pelosi

P.S. It's time for Republicans to do the right thing and show us whether they stand with the wealthiest 1% or with the rest of America. Sign our petition right now >>

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

FW: Responding to your message

I love it. I signed an online petition that copied Mark Kirk's office, and the reply I get back is nothing but a blank e-mail.

I guess Senator Kirk is shooting blanks. (E-mails, that is...)


From: Senator Mark Kirk <>
Sent: December 07, 2011 3:26 PM
Subject: Responding to your message

[PDI] FW: Want a 99% sticker?


-----Original Message-----
From: Natalie Foster, Rebuild The Dream <>
Sent: December 07, 2011 3:00 PM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: Want a 99% sticker?

Dear Daniel,The Wall Street banks, the media, and the 1% are watching to see if public support for the 99% movement drops off as winter sets in.

We all know that the movement will grow over the coming months and years. But it's up to us to spread the word and make our solidarity as visible as possible this winter.

You can help by signing up to get a free 99% sticker here:

Get your free sticker!

Our friends at the Working Families Party designed the stickers and we're trying to help distribute them nationwide.

Put it on your car, your laptop, or any visible location and together we can help make it clear that the 99% movement isn't going anywhere.

Just click here and order your free sticker:

Thank you.
–Natalie, Van, Billy, Jim, Ian, Somer, and the rest of the Rebuild the Dream team

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[PDI] DAWN Meeting, "Storm is Comin' " by Dean Milano - YouTube, Get well, Rose!

Mark your 2012 Calendar:
Glen Ellyn Public Library
400 Duane St.
Glen Ellyn IL
Meeting Room A -Main Floor
7pm- 8:30 pm
Later... Shannons?

A quick voter registration refresher for our registrars and a how-to and training for new DAWN Voter Advocates, with Cynthia, our guest speaker from DuPage Election Commission.
Then a quickie DAWN meeting and perhaps a beverage at our favorite watering hole nearby.

If you are not already a voter registrar and would like to be, email me and I can add you to our roster.

Happy Holidays!
Kathy Slovick

"Storm is Comin' " by Dean Milano - YouTube

If you are interested in seeing Dean Milano he just might be at an upcoming DAWN event!
Email DAWN for details!<><>

Rose Bagley - get well wishes

from Tom:
Dear friends,

In case you have not heard, long-time peace activists and Pax Christi member Rose Bagley had a serious fall recently and broke her hand and arm in several places. She just got out of a 5-hour surgery and is currently recovering in the hospital. Please keep her and John in your prayers. Their contact information is:

Rose Bagley
25W042 Keswick Lane
Naperville, IL 60540
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Sunday, December 04, 2011

[PDI] FW: Tuesday in Chicago: Occupy Our Homes


-----Original Message-----
From: Natalie Foster, Rebuild The Dream <>
Sent: December 04, 2011 1:15 PM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: Tuesday in Chicago: Occupy Our Homes

Occupy Our Homes
Can you join the Occupy Our Homes protest in Chicago on Tuesday? Help defend families facing foreclosure and support filling empty bank-owned homes with those in need. 
Dear Daniel,The big Wall Street banks have been on a three-year-long foreclosure binge, kicking struggling families out of homes all across the country.

Now the 99% is saying "No" and fighting back against the big banks in a big way. Community members nationwide are rallying to stop foreclosures, keep families in their homes, and fill vacant homes with displaced residents.

And not only is it working, more and more people are taking a stand. Just last week police and movers refused to carry out a bank-ordered eviction of a 103 year-old woman from her home in Atlanta.1

Now allies, including the New Bottom Line, Occupy Wall Street, Take Back the Land, and many others, are starting a national campaign to defend families threatened by foreclosure and to support filling empty bank-owned homes with people in need. It all starts this Tuesday, December 6, with a nationwide "Occupy Our Homes" day of action.

There's an Occupy Our Homes protest planned in Chicago on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011, at 10:30 AM.

Can you make it?
Yes, I'll be there and I'm a homeowner underwater or facing foreclosure.

Yes, I'll be there to support these homeowners.
In this holiday season, thousands of families are without a home even with so many empty foreclosed houses nationwide. The foreclosure crisis has gone on far too long and the 99% are paying the price while the 1% still haven't been held accountable for repairing the damage they've done to our communities.

Let's help bring the energy of the 99% movement to events all over the country at banks, courthouses, and homes under threat of foreclosure. Together we can not only support families in our own communities, we can show Wall Street and the world, that our movement is only getting stronger.

Will you join in on Tuesday?

Yes, I'll be there and I'm a homeowner underwater or facing foreclosure.
Yes, I'll be there to support these homeowners.
Thank you for being a part of, and believing in, this movement.
–Natalie, Van, Billy, Jim, Ian, Somer, and the rest of the Rebuild the Dream Innovation Fund team
1. "Cops, movers refuse to foreclose on 103-year-old woman," The Raw Story, November 30, 2011
Rebuild the Dream and MoveOn are committed to nonviolence in the long tradition of protest movements throughout our history that have brought America closer to our founding dream—liberty and justice for all. As progressives we respect all people, and will not support or endorse any violence or property destruction.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[PDI] FW: End the Big Broadcast Swindle


-----Original Message-----
From: Libby Reinish, <>
Sent: November 30, 2011 12:35 PM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: End the Big Broadcast Swindle

FCC: End the Big Broadcast Swindle
Broadcast policy must benefit the public.
Dear Daniel,
Television and radio broadcasters get to use our public airwaves for free. It's a great deal … for them, at least. For the rest of us, it's just another corporate giveaway.
These broadcasters rake in billions in profits using our public property. And what do we the public get from them in return? Next to nothing.
Tell the FCC: No more handouts to big media.
The original idea was to offer commercial broadcasters free access to our airwaves in exchange for programming that serves the needs of our communities. This is the core of the Federal Communications Commission's public-interest bargain. But over the years broadcast industry lobbyists have trampled this social contract in their rush to maximize profits.
Instead of covering the issues communities say matter the most, broadcasters have shuttered their newsrooms, laid off journalists and aired cookie-cutter programming often produced by other stations.
Now the FCC is about to review its media ownership rules — including rules that promote localism, competition and diversity on the airwaves. These rules need to be strengthened and enforced. But the FCC has a track record of creating policies that cater to industry at the expense of the news people need:
The agency is reportedly planning to re-introduce a Bush-era policy that would consolidate local media even further in the hands of a few corporate interests. This rule change would allow a single company to own a newspaper and a TV station in the same city.1
The FCC has repeatedly neglected its responsibility to correct dramatic inequalities in the broadcast industry. A Free Press survey of broadcast licenses in 2007 showed women and communities of color to be grossly underrepresented among broadcast owners. Members of Congress and even the courts have repeatedly demanded action by the FCC, yet the agency has done next to nothing to fix this problem.2
The FCC has turned a blind eye to "covert consolidation," a practice in which corporations control two or three TV stations in the same community. Covert consolidation leads to copycat news programming and has left over 100 communities with few to no choices of local news broadcasts. The agency must strengthen its rules to protect the public from this harmful practice.3
It's time for the FCC to address these serious problems once and for all.  By signing this letter to the FCC, you're helping Free Press launch a new initiative to reverse decades of bad policy:
Tell the FCC Chairman Not to Repeat the Mistakes of the Past
We need to put the public interest back into the public airwaves. It begins today with you.
Libby Reinish
Free Press
P.S. This Thursday, the FCC will hold a public hearing on media ownership. Visit this page on Thursday morning to join the conversation:
1. Katy Bachman, "Genachowski Trying to Keep Media Ownership Review Quiet," Adweek, Nov. 21, 2011:
2. Free Press letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski, Nov. 28, 2011:
3. John Eggerton, "FCC Media Bureau Denies Complaint Against Raycom in Honolulu, But Says Combo Violates 'Intent' of Rules," Broadcast & Cable, Nov. 27, 2001:
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[PDI] FW: The end of the Internet?


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Mintz, Political Action <>
Sent: November 29, 2011 11:32 AM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: The end of the Internet?

Click here to sign your name:
"The government must not be allowed to censor the Internet at the request of powerful lobbyists. Say NO to Internet censorship."
Sign the Petition!
Dear MoveOn member,
As soon as this week, Congress will start debating whether to give the government the power to turn off parts of the Internet. If that sounds like a terrible recipe for abuse of power, that's because it is.
If enacted, a new law would make it so a simple allegation of copyright infringement—with no review process—could lead to the shutdown of sites from YouTube to Wikipedia to Any website, foreign or U.S.-based, could be wiped out on suspicion and made unavailable to everyone in the world.
For example, if you (or Justin Bieber) wanted to post a video to YouTube of yourself singing a Beatles song, a record company could force the Department of Justice to shut down YouTube. Really.2
But as you may have guessed, Congress didn't come up with this tragically terrible idea on their own. Lobbyists representing Comcast, Pfizer, record and movie companies, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce3 have been pushing Democrats and Republicans to pass bills to allow this new kind of Internet censorship. And they're close to getting their way.
But a small number of Democrats are standing strong and saying "No" to these powerful special interest groups. They need our help.
Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon is one of our champions. He has promised to start a historic filibuster of the Internet Censorship Act where he'll read the names of every person that signs a petition against Internet censorship.4 It's the perfect opportunity for 5 million Internet-connected progressives to visibly add their voice to a Senate debate. The more of us that sign, the stronger this effort to block this terrible law will be.
Click here to add your name and say NO to Internet Censorship.
We know that the Internet's openness, freedom, and lack of censorship are what make it a bastion of infinite possibility, continued innovation, and job creation. Innovative companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Mozilla, and Yahoo have spoken out against this law, saying: 
We should not jeopardize a foundational structure that has worked for content owners and Internet companies alike and provides certainty to innovators with new ideas for how people create, find, discuss, and share information lawfully online.5
Internet venture capitalists say that the legislation is "ripe for abuse,"6 and leading law professors reject it because it will "allow the government to block Internet access to websites."7
We condemn censorship overseas when it happens in China or Iran. But today, we need to stand up for freedom of speech on the Internet here at home.
Click here to add your name and say NO to Internet Censorship.
Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Garlin, Elena, Stefanie, and the rest of the team
1. "House Version of Rogue Websites Bill Adds DMCA Bypass, Penalties for DNS Workarounds," Public Knowledge, October 26, 2011
2. "Why Is Justin Bieber So Hackin Mad?", November 2, 2011
3. "Five things to know about SOPA," The Washington Post, November 16, 2011
4. "Wyden to read petition names during copyright filibuster," The Hill, November 21, 2011
5. "SOPA opposition from tech heavyweights Google, Facebook," CBS News, November 17, 2011
6. "The PROTECT IP Act Will Slow Startup Innovation," Union Square Ventures, June 23, 2011
7. "Law Professors' Letter on SOPA," Electronic Frontier Foundation, November 15, 2011
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Daniel A. Stafford on November 29, 2011. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[PDI] FW: Insider Trading In the Halls of Congress -- End it now


-----Original Message-----
From: Frieda Donnan <>
Sent: November 22, 2011 11:17 PM
To: Dan Stafford cell <>
Subject: Fw: Insider Trading In the Halls of Congress -- End it now


I helped elect this lady to Congress in the early 1960s in Rochester, N.Y. She has been a persistent and consistent representative for progressive causes like this one.  She is now chair person of the House Rules Committee. 

Could you forward this on to your address list for Progressive Democrats of Illinois to help build an organized effort to take back our country and stop our representatives from representing themselves instead of us?

Thanks for your help.

Doug Donnan

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Louise M. Slaughter <>
Sent: Tue, November 22, 2011 6:04:12 PM
Subject: Insider Trading In the Halls of Congress -- End it now

Insider Trading In the Halls of Congress --  End it NOW!
Hi Friend,
Last Sunday, 60 Minutes reported on a shocking loophole in our laws that has outraged me for years-and I'm sure it will outrage you, too. It is currently LEGAL for members of Congress and their staffs to engage in "insider trading"-buying and selling stocks based on privileged information that's hidden from other investors and the American public. Insider trading is illegal for everyone else, but members of Congress have free reign to engage in this behavior and profit from their roles as representatives of the people. It's unfair and it's wrong.
You can watch the 60 Minutes segment here.
I've been concerned about this issue for many years and, in 2006, I introduced a bill called the STOCK Act, which would finally outlaw insider trading among members of Congress. Since then, I've worked to move this bill forward in every session of Congress, and every time it has garnered little support.
I've been urging my colleagues to pass the STOCK Act and outlaw insider trading NOW. It's important that we spread the word on this outrageous loophole so please forward this email to a friend by using the link to the right. I also hope you'll make a show of support for my efforts by making a contribution to my campaign, which you can do by going here. Your contribution of $25, $50, or even $100 will help me to ensure that Washington works for all of us, not just the insiders and those in power. Make your contribution online here today.
Thanks to 60 Minutes, we have renewed momentum for this bill. Even GOP stalwarts like Rick Perry and Eric Cantor have said they support bans on unethical activity-like insider trading-in Congress.
But it's time for politicians to do more than just talk about reform. We don't need any more statements of outrage. We need to pass this bill. As Governor Perry should know, there's nothing worse than being "all hat and no cattle." It's time for Congress to outlaw insider trading once and for all.
I'm doing everything I can to clean up Washington and level the playing field-and I need your help. I hope you'll forward this email to others-and I would be very grateful for your support, as well. You can make a contribution online by going here today.
Thank you for all that you do.
In Solidarity,
p.s. I continue to fight everyday to ensure Washington works for you.  Can you join me by donating $10, $25, or even $100 today?
Read on...

Vote Louise
PO Box 730
Honeoye, New York 14471

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Monday, November 21, 2011

[PDI] Your help is needed: Save the DuPage Youth Home- Kane Youths detained, strip searched, jobs lost

Attend a rally to support the DuPage Youth Home sponsored by labor and community groups on Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 9 am at 421 N County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL 60187, and attend to make public comment (3 min) at County Board meeting, 10 am, Administration Bldg., same address as rally.

(message forwarded from Siobhan Kolar...)

If you're in DuPage there is a rally tomorrow Tuesday at 9 am to Save the DuPage Youth Home. Their programs do turn kids around. They are working to get rid of detention (since it doesn't work). In Kane they treat the kids in a very dehumanizing way, with harsh punishments, wearing underwear only, strip searches--it's a jail for 10-17 year olds.

We need to close the facility, but for now we need to stop would be Gov. Dan Cronin from pulling his own mini- Scott Walker act in DuPage.

READ ON for how you can help.

Dear DuPage County Activists,

The DuPage County Board's recent vote to move our county's juvenile offenders to a more punitive setting, away from their families in Kane County.

Aproximately 400 families will be directly impacted when the doors are shut at the DuPage County Youth facility. And the rest of us will lose when they do. Please read and act. Faith leaders speaking out in any capacity will make a difference.

This is time critical. A November 22 vote on the county board budget will seal this issue.

Situation: The County Board voted to close the DuPage County Youth Home, located at the county government complex in Wheaton. The action was intended to share services and save money. The youngsters served at the youth home will be sent to a detention center in Kane County that is very different in terms of those served, and their approach to working with juveniles.

a.. The DuPage County Youth Home is viewed as a model program and "is widely acclaimed for it's programming and its documented success in guiding teens away from the criminal justice system." The Kane County program does not check for recidivism.
b.. A broad base of support for keeping the home open includes judges, prosecutors, and public defenders. Former County State's Attorney, Joe Birkett, "implored the board to keep the center open."
c.. "Also of concern ... varying policies at the two county facilities regarding education, security and discipline. Kane County provides no routine assistance for detainees working toward their GED, and its behavioral philosophy leans more heavily on punishment than does the DuPage center. The Kane center also practices strip searches of detainees on admission and after visits."
d.. The proposed budget for county board is $434.4 million for 2012. That amount does not include the $630 thousand for the youth home. "Opponents note that the county's $49 million cash reserve includes enough to cover the expense" of the youth home.
The issue was received by County Board members late November 4 and the vote was taken November 8.

How to Help:

Pass the word on this situation. Email others, share this as an announcement at meetings, write a letter to the editor, contact your County Board Representative, and/or talk it up.

Attend a rally to support the DuPage Youth Home sponsored by labor and community groups on Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 9 am at 421 N County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL 60187, and attend to make public comment (3 min) at County Board meeting, 10 am, Administration Bldg., same address as rally.

The message/goal is;

1. Reverse the action to close the DuPage County Youth Home, and

2. Take no action to close the youth home for one year. One year would allow time for a thorough review of this proposed change.

Links for More Information and Action:

Please follow the link below to the Naperville Sun and read the entire article on the DuPage County Youth Home.<> Articles are also in the Beacon News, Daily Herald and the Batavia Patch.

The link below provided by The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) can connect the user to the correct representative. Enter your zip code and the software guides you from there.<>

The next link is a<> document with a brief summary and more, including information on a rally Tuesday, November 22.<>

Thanks for your consideration on this matter. Please join me and take up this issue to keep the DuPage County Youth Home open.

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[PDI] Medicare Part D is too Difficult and Expensive

You all may find the following useful.


Thanks, Robert Tracy
630-833-9155 (home)
630-484-1555 (old cell)
630-749-1720 (new cell)

166 E LAKE ST UNIT F, ELMHURST IL 60126-5509

Web site:

Medicare Part D is too Difficult and Expensive, 11/21/2011

This message is for anyone who finds enrolling in Medicare Part D to be frustrating, and would like to save a lot of money. My motivation is to share information not widely known.

Each year I shop for my brother to find the best possible insurance company for Medicare Part D. We find a suspicious pattern. The cheapest plan in one year always becomes very expensive the following year. Insurance companies hide that they are raising costs. For example, one year we were shown a complicated chart of next year's coverage, from which it was impossible to tell if costs were being raised. Cross-year comparison is difficult because of changes in drugs being covered, and changes in co-pays, premiums, coverage in the "donut hole," etc. Insurance companies misleadingly reassure their customers by telling them not to worry; they need do nothing and they will be re-enrolled automatically.

Shopping for Part D insurance coverage (to be completed between Oct 15 to Dec 7, 2011) is tedious for everyone, but especially if you are elderly or sick or not knowledgeable about computers. Phone assistance from Medicare is available (1-800-MEDICARE) if you wait long enough on the phone.

For the above reasons, it is tempting to do nothing and allow yourself to be automatically re-enrolled with the same company from year to year -- and be unaware of always increasing insurance costs. Insurance companies and the government are not consumer oriented because they fail to explain why it so beneficial to search every year for an improved plan. For my brother, I switch plans yearly, and have always saved at least $800 by switching; last year by switching to a different company the saving was $3,863! We have found staying with the same company can result in an increase of 61% in just one year! Enrollment in Medicare Part D is biased against consumers due to the tricks and traps mentioned above. No wonder insurance costs are exorbitant.

A solution: Until our government passes laws that protect vulnerable insurance customers from predatory capitalism, here is a partial solution. There is an excellent Internet tool provided by the government through Medicare that compares alternative insurance plans. See the Medicare plan finder at

The plan finder does the tedious math to identify the least expensive plan that covers your prescription drugs.

A useful guide from AARP is at

The goal: to select improved or cheaper coverage for next year, and then verify the improved coverage by contacting the insurance company involved directly by phone. They will undoubtedly allow you to enroll over the phone if you wish.

Please pass this document along to anyone interested. My only motivation is to share helpful information. You may modify this document as you prefer, removing my name. If needed, please seek help from acquaintances familiar with computers and the Internet, or become one of those helpers yourself.

For members of our church, I help people in selecting a good plan. Bob Tracy, 630-484-1555,

I would also appreciate any feedback about how the enrollment process worked for you.

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[PDI] FW: Stop attacking protesters.


-----Original Message-----
From: Becky Bond, CREDO Action <>
Sent: November 21, 2011 11:55 AM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: Stop attacking protesters.

Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to Mark G. Yudof, president of the University of California, and Sherry Lansing, chairperson of the University of California Board of Regents:
"The University of California Regents must protect protesters' First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble and ban the use of chemical agents and/or physical violence against nonviolent protesters on all University of California campuses."
Automatically add your name:

Learn more about this campaign
Tell the University of California: Ban the use of chemical agents and physical violence against peaceful protesters.
Dear Daniel,
This is outrageous and unacceptable.
Last week at the University of California at Davis, campus police dressed in riot gear sprayed nonviolent protesters with chemical agents. A dramatic video captures the scene. The protesters kneeling. Arms linked. They posed no threat to the officers. The officers standing above them. Dousing them with pepper spray.1
Social movements in this country have a long tradition of using civil disobedience to challenge injustice. Protesters with a deep commitment to social change peacefully disobey an order to disperse and the police must make mass arrests in order to end the protest.
What the authorities at the University of California have done is employ the use of chemical agents to stop protesters from exercising their First Amendment rights. They clearly fear that the size, commitment and growing power of the Occupy protests is so great that they will fill up their jails — not on one day, but every day — if they want to put a stop to the movement.
Tell Mark G. Yudof, president of the University of California, and Sherry Lansing, chairperson of the University of California Board of Regents, to protect protesters' First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble, and ban the use of chemical agents and/or physical violence against nonviolent protesters on all University of California campuses. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
Outrageously, the chancellor of the University of California at Davis, Linda P.B. Katehi, initially defended the actions of the officers but today finally placed the chief of the campus police on administrative leave pending a review. The UC Davis faculty association is calling for Katehi's resignation. 2
This is not just happening at the campus in Davis. In Berkeley, Robert Hass, a 70-year-old former poet laureate of the United States and Pulitzer Prize winner, described how he and his wife were beaten by police while peacefully assembling in solidarity with campus Occupy protesters.
In an op-ed piece in the New York Times, Hass notes that the violent actions against peaceful protesters on the Berkeley campus are thrown into particularly high relief as the protests there are taking place where the Free Speech Movement was launched almost 50 years ago, quoting Mario Savio's famous call to action: "There is a time ... when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part." 3
The University of California Board of Regents has ultimate responsibility for the actions of authorities at all University of California campuses, including Davis and Berkeley. The president and chairperson of the this board must take decisive action to protect the First Amendment rights of student, faculty and the campus communities — rights that are so clearly under violent attack.
Tell Mark G. Yudof, president of the University of California, and Sherry Lansing, chairperson of the University of California Board of Regents, to protect protesters' First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble, and ban the use of chemical agents and/or physical violence against nonviolent protesters on all University of California campuses. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
From Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King, Jr. to Mario Savio, nonviolent civil disobedience is a time-honored form of protest. If authorities allow police in riot gear to simply use chemical agents and violence, instead of arrests, to remove peaceful protesters who respectfully decline to follow an order to disperse, then they will not only be taking away our fundamental rights, they will implicitly be encouraging more violent forms of resistance.
The community response to the events in Davis have been overwhelming. In the coming days we may see resignations at the highest level. But what's at stake is not just the job of the chancellor of the University of California at Davis or its campus police chief. It's about whether the right to free speech on campus will endure. That's why we need the president and the chairperson of the UC Board of Regents to protect the rights of protesters on every UC campus, and to set a precedent for universities not just in California but nationwide.
Thank you for joining me in taking action today.
Becky Bond, Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets
1. Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis. YouTube. November 18, 2011.
2. UC Davis Pepper-Spraying: Police Chief Put On Leave, Chancellor To Speak. NPR. November 21, 2011.
3. Poet-Bashing Police. New York Times. November 20, 2011.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

[PDI] FW: Occupy Crackdown Targets Journalists


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Stearns, <>
Sent: November 15, 2011 4:21 PM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: Occupy Crackdown Targets Journalists

Mayors: Protect Press Freedom in Your Cities.
Dear Daniel,
This morning, the New York Police Department forcibly evacuated Zuccotti Park, home of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The move provoked a clash not only with protesters but with the press. In what appears to have been a coordinated effort to block coverage of the raid, the police blocked many journalists from reporting on the police action.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the police kept the media away "to prevent a situation from getting worse and to protect members of the press."
But according to the New York Times, one journalist told a police officer "I'm press!" and the officer just responded "Not tonight."
If the mayor of our country's largest city thinks protecting the press means silencing them, we're in big trouble. And he's not alone. Police harassment of the media has been reported during "Occupy" protests in Chicago, Denver, Oakland, Portland and beyond. It's time to tell mayors across the country to uphold our press freedoms.
Tell Mayor Bloomberg and the U.S. Conference of Mayors to publicly commit to upholding the First Amendment and let journalists do their jobs.
The NYPD is using more than words to fight journalists. This morning, five reporters were arrested, another was put in a choke hold, and others were subjected to police harassment. Journalists are being swept up in ongoing police actions happening right now in New York City.
In fact, since the birth of the Occupy Wall Street movement two months ago, 18 journalists have been arrested2, 3 and countless others have been roughed up, tear-gassed and pepper sprayed. There have even been reports of police using high-powered strobe lights to disable video cameras and stop people from recording their actions.
Demand that all U.S. mayors publicly commit to protecting freedom of the press.
Please sign this action and we will deliver your letter to Mayor Bloomberg and the Conference of Mayors and demand that they make this crucial commitment to upholding the First Amendment.
The freedom of our press is fundamental to our identity as Americans. As elected representatives charged with serving the people, our mayors must rein in these aggressive and violent tactics by local law enforcement.
Please take action right now.
Josh Stearns
Associate Program Director
Free Press
1. Brian Stelter, "Reporters Say Police Denied Access to Protest Site," New York Times, Nov. 15, 2011:
2. See a list of all journalists arrested at Occupy events since September, plus related videos and articles.
3. See a statement from the Society of Professional Journalists condemning the arrests.
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[PDI] FW: Delivering Occupy Petition to Rahm Wed. Nov. 16 at 12:30


-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Wade <>
Sent: November 15, 2011 12:48 PM
Subject: Delivering Occupy Petition to Rahm Wed. Nov. 16 at 12:30

Dear Daniel,

Tomorrow , Wed. Nov. 16 at 12:30 we will be delivering the petition supporting the rights of Occupy Chicago to peaceably assemble in Grant Park to Mayor Emanuel for the third time since it's inception on Sunday, Oct. 16. The petition now has 13,055 signers who support the right of Occupy Chicago to peaceably assemble.
 Petition here:

Two ways you can help:

Join our delgation to Mayor Emanuel tomorrow,  Wed. Nov. 16 at 12:00, meeting at the Lasalle entrance to City Hall, 121 North La Salle Street. We will re-affirm the importance of the right to peaceable assemble for Occupy Chicago that the signers of the petition support.  If you want to be part of the delegation email me at

Next, ask everyone you know, especially in Chicago, to sign the petition -- everyone is welcome to sign but Chicago voters can send a message to Mayor Emanuel that they are watching whether he supports free speech in Chicago.

Petition here:
Thanks for helping to make a difference!

Nancy Wade
Progressive Organizer 

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Monday, November 14, 2011

[PDI] FW: ACTION ALERT: Stop CTA funding cuts by Cook County!


-----Original Message-----
From: Active Transportation Alliance <>
Sent: November 14, 2011 6:28 PM
Subject: ACTION ALERT: Stop CTA funding cuts by Cook County!

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ACTION ALERT: Stop CTA funding cuts by Cook County!
Riders for Better Transit -- contact Cook County officials
Dear friend,
Last week, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and several Cook County Commissioners proposed slashing county funding for the CTA by two-thirds, from $2 million to just $675,000. Join us in sending a clear message to our Cook County officials that our elected leaders need to increase investment in transit -- not cut funding -- if we want to end the cycle of fare increases and service cuts!
TAKE ACTION NOW: Stop CTA funding cuts by Cook County!
The $1.3 million that Cook County is proposing to cut would directly increase the risk of service cuts and fare hikes for CTA riders. Not only would CTA have to make up the $1.3 million elsewhere, but the cut would jeopardize an additional $128 million that the Regional Transportation Authority normally provides to the CTA -- because state law stipulates that this funding is dependent on a minimum contribution from Cook County and the City of Chicago.
Please tell President Preckwinkle and our Cook County Commissioners that CTA's service is vital not just to the City of Chicago, but to the region, and to retract this proposal and keep Cook County's CTA funding intact. The Cook County Board meets tomorrow, so please act now!
TAKE ACTION NOW: Stop CTA funding cuts by Cook County!
Riders for Better Transit is a project of the Active Transportation Alliance, in partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Active Transportation Alliance

9 W Hubbard St. Suite 402 | Chicago, IL 60654-6545 US
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

[PDI] Fwd: Stand with Me to Save Medicare

If you can, join John Conyers in his appeal below my comment, which is
as follows:

The whole budget debate is built on a false and patently absurd premise.
We need to stop borrowing from the banks in order to pay our bills!
Instead we should be asking Congress to do its Constitutional duty to
spend money into circulation, debt free per Dennis Kucinich's Need Act
(HR 2990) co-sponsored by John Conyers.

We also need to install a single payer health plan, ala Dennis
Kucinich's original health plan again co-sponsored by John Conyers,
which would allow freedom of choice of provider and choice of treatment,
including natural remedies and supplements. Unlike the current Health
Care for Insurance Companies model, Kucinich's original bill will
SHARPLY reduce health care (one might say sickness care) costs over time.

As to Social Security, come on guys, it is self-funded. STOP dipping
into it for military adventures and bank bailouts, etc.

Who's kidding who here?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Stand with Me to Save Medicare
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 11:01:52 -0500
From: Congressman John Conyers <>

conyers header


**Stand With me to Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security from
GOP Assault**


Dear Geraldine:

I, and millions of my fellow Americans, believe that Medicare, Medicaid,
and Social Security represent the best of our nation's values and they
should be protected and preserved for future generations. * But these
fundamental pillars of our social safety net are under attack and you
need to make your voice heard TODAY to stop it by becoming a citizen
cosponsor of my resolution, H. Con. Res. 72, which says that any
legislation approved by the Super Committee should not reduce benefits
for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid beneficiaries.* I need your
help to make sure the members of the Super Committee know that the
American people won't stand for cuts to these vital programs.

With only two weeks until the so-called Super Committee is scheduled
to release its plan to address our national debt, and there are
troubling media reports that cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social
Security are still on the table. This is despite the fact that recent
polling shows that over 70 percent of the American public opposes cuts
to these core social insurance programs.

I introduced H. Con. Res. 72 because it's wrong to ask middle-class and
low-income workers to give up benefits that have been earned through a
lifetime of hard work. Over the past three decades, these Americans have
seen their wages stagnate, while the incomes of the wealthiest one
percent have increased by 275 percent. The Super Committee needs to
know that middle-class Americans have already sacrificed enough.

82 of my colleagues have already signed up as cosponsors. I know that
this is a fight that we can win. *Will you help me save Medicare,
Medicaid and Social Security from the chopping block*


John Conyers, Jr.

Paid for by Conyers for Congress

Conyers for Congress
1831 Bay Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

[PDI] FW: Surge of Momentum!


-----Original Message-----
From: Move to Amend <>
Sent: November 09, 2011 5:07 AM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: Surge of Momentum!

The national campaign to Abolish Corporate Personhood and Defend Democracy.
* * *
Good Day Daniel,

What a week for the democracy fight in the USA:

➤ Our local group in Missoula, Montana celebrated a landslide victory last night
when 75% of voters approved a resolution for a Constitutional amendment to
declare that corporations are not people!

Last week Boulder Move to Amend won a similar campaign with 74% of the vote!

➤ Over 200 House Parties for Democracy will be held in libraries, community
halls and living rooms across the nation TONIGHT.Join a party near you to connect
with your fellow citizens and begin planning a local action for January 2012 to protest the
second anniversary of the notorious Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision.

➤ Earlier this week Move to Amend launched Occupy the Courts - a call to action for a one
day occupation of Federal courthouses across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court
in Washington, D.C., on Friday January 20, 2012.

Sign up to participate, download action ideas, and join us at

If you're attending or hosting a local house party tonight, Occupy the Courts is a perfect action
to begin planning with your fellow party goers.

What an exciting week!

Thanks for all you're doing to support Move to Amend. Please help us spread the word about these
important victories and campaign opportunities by forwarding this email to your friends, and
posting about Move to Amend on your Facebook and Twitter.

➤ And please make a donation to help us keep the momentum going!

Together we will ride this wave to victory!

Ben Manski, David Cobb, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham,
Lisa Graves, and Nancy Price
Move to Amend Executive Committee

Move to Amend Coalition
P.O. Box 260217
Madison, WI 53726-0217
United States
End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy. Move to Amend.
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