Hi all,
Anyone want to join me for the AMI conference discount expiring next
Tuesday? That is May 3, just three days away!!
See message below, especially the synopsis of this year's follow up
discussion of the mathematical model developed by Economics Professor
Yamaguchi that includes a discussion of the non-inflationary aspects of
the Need Act.
Also in the forwarded message is payment info as per described below.
If we TRULY want to heal our nation and the world, we need to start with
PROPER monetary reform ala Thomas Jefferson and company!!
geri p
PS: Apparently we lost out on the early bird discount which was $195 and
expired in early February.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Weekend pushes Conference discount to Tuesday, May 3rd.
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:45:20 -0500
From: AMI <ami@taconic.net>
Organization: American Monetary Institute
To: AMI <ami@taconic.net>
*Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute,*
Because the April 30th deadline to obtain the Conference discount falls
on a weekend, we have extended the discount until midnight, Tuesday, May
3rd, for registrations postmarked or made electronically or by phone.
*Special 7th Annual Monetary Reform Conference Announcement- save $170!
*SAVE $170 by registering for the conference by Tuesday May 3rd!You can
register by phone or email or post. Simply send your check postmarked
by April 30th or through PayPal in the correct amount ($225 instead of $395)
The Conference is again held at University Center, Chicago, from
Thursday afternoon, Sept. 29th through
Sunday morning, Oct. 2nd. See the latest Schedule at
*Some highlights:*
*Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Ohio, 10th) tells us he will be present at
this conference, to describe his re-introduction of the history-making
monetary reform bill, HR 6550; and we hope he will bring his wife
Professor Kaoru Yamaguchi* will again make his updated system dynamic
presentation on how the American Monetary Act (and Kucinich's National
Employment Emergency Defense (NEED) Act, HR 6550) will:
** Pay off the national debt as it comes due;
* Provide the funding for our infrastructure needs (solving the
unemployment problem);*
** and does this without inflation!
*This is the most conclusive advance analysis possible, of the effects
of the legislation; far more than normally accompanies legislative
*Professor Joseph Huber* who works with**the great*James Robertson*, and*
Ben Dyson* on the British Positive Money reform will come in from
Germany. *Ben Dyson* will be here from the UK.
We're awaiting confirmation from some additional key "alpha" speakers.
This year the Room will hold 120 people in comfort, with good seating
and "schoolroom" type tables. Please help us fill all these seats;
forward this to your contact list. Your registration now helps us do
that. We're expecting to sign up several participants to organize and
become AMI Chapter Leaders in their hometowns!
Sign up below and mail it in or on line at
To pay $225 by PayPal, You can send this amount through PAYPAL by going
to our homepage: http://www.monetary.org Then you click on the
"contribute" button on the left and enter the amount of $225. We will
know what your donation means.
*Looking forward to seeing you at the Conference!
Stephen Zarlenga
2011 AMI Conference Registration Form
*Enclosed is my $______ registration donation for the 2011 AMI Monetary
Reform Conference**in Chicago *September 29th to Oct. 2nd. Minimum
donation $395* per person. Student/activist Discount is $175,
and some scholarships will hopefully be available. All participants must
There are no "at the door" registrations.
*Early registration discount $225, postmarked by May 3rd
An 80% refund is available until May 15^th , and will afterward be
pro-rated downward to a 20% refund
after September 1^st
*The American Monetary Institute as part of its responsibility in
sponsoring the Conference reserves the right at its sole discretion and
without public or private explanation, to restrict attendance at this
Conference to persons it considers will enhance the purposes of the
meeting, as detailed in our materials. Participants should understand
and be in agreement that the conference will stay focused on monetary
system questions and will not be diverted into other areas.
**___ Please send me the professionally recorded video DVDs, filmed with
a high definition cameraof the full 2010 Conference Speakers, at $295.
Add $25 for all foreign postage (must now go by airmail). Outstanding
monetary material!
_____ Register me for the 2011 Monetary Reform Conference.
Enclose Check OR:
___ Bill my credit card (no Amex) ____________ Card
#________/________/_________/_________ Expiration____________
Signature_________________________________ Print
Address___________________________________________ City/State/Zip
Phone #__________________________________ Email:
*send by post or E-mail applications to ami@taconic.net
<mailto:ami@taconic.net> *
*Tel. 224-805-2200 - If leaving a message, use a loud clear voice!*
"Over time, whoever controls the money system
controls the nation."
Stephen Zarlenga
American Monetary Institute
To receive notices for free AMI materials,
sign up for our email list atwww.monetary.org
(224) 805-2200
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