Sunday, July 31, 2011

[PDI] FW: The New Deal: #OffTheTable


-----Original Message-----
From: John Sellers, The Other 98% <>
Sent: July 31, 2011 7:46 PM
Subject: The New Deal: #OffTheTable

Will you help spread the word to Barack Obama and John Boehner?

Yes - let me share!

Dear Daniel,
The news from DC on the default crisis is dire - and the need to raise hell could not be more pressing.

It's bad enough to have this manufactured crisis be 'solved' by debt deals that cut necessities for working Americans while not touching the historically low tax rates of billionaires. But touching Social Security and Medicare benefits? That's just not acceptable.
If you believe that the New Deal needs to be #OffTheTable, then join over 10,000 citizens in signing our Emergency Letter to President Obama.

The Tea Party Congress and Corporate Democrats are never going to protect Social Security or Medicare - but that doesn't mean that Obama needs to join them.
And if you think it's time for progressives to come out and unabashedly defend The New Deal, then considering supporting The Other 98% today.
Thank you for all you do to make this movement real.
John Sellers, The Other 98%
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[PDI] Single payer social/meeting 4 PM in Bucktown

I'm looking for a ride. Please call me NOW. Should be a very good time!

Bob & Linda Babcock
Finance Consultants
Cell: 630.417.0042
Fax: 630.493.9494
Harmony Consulting Group - for overall finance consultation, creative solutions and commercial/business financing
American Fidelity Mortgage Services - a mortgage BANKER for home financing, renovations, mortgage acceleration and reverse mortgage programs - ask us about the difference!
Chicagoland Financial Education Foundation - a new not-for-profit providing services to the general public
World Financial Group - for specific financial products and F/T-P/T employment opportunities for individuals entering the profession of financial services
We help you intelligently finance your life (investing, retirement, etc.), your home and your business.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

[PDI] Please pass this one on to everyone that likes the Tea Bag party talk



The leader of the TeaBaggers in IL and supposedly in Congress does not
support his family! Read the article linked above and decide if it isn't worth
a few minutes to call him about it.

Note in the article Walsh's attorney did NOT dispute that Walsh owed child
support just the $ figure. This guy is a BUM (and I cleaned that up) if he
talks it but doesn't support his own family!

After we all send Joe Walsh (DC ofc 202-225-3711 ) a reminder to pay his
court ordered and agreed to support for his own children we should ask every
member of Congress to cut their own benefits before they cut ours. Here is
a way to get their contact info. _

Please pass this on!

Don Kirchenberg
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[PDI] York PC 112: Page One: Inside The New York Times - A Documentary Film...

...that goes in-depth into the day-to-day operations of the New York Times.

Sourced from Google:

[image: Page One: Inside the New York Times]
Page One: Inside the New York Times
‎1hr 28min‎‎ - Rated R‎‎ - Documentary‎
Director: Andrew Rossi - Cast: David Carr - : [image: Rated 4.0 out of 5.0]

"Page One" unfolds over the course of 2010, one of the most tumultuous years
for print journalism since the invention of the printing press, with online
media continuing to reinvent the rules and some of the oldest print
newspaper institutions in the country forced to close or drastically reduce
their operations. Along the course of the year, director Rossi was given
unprecedented access to the editorial process at "The New York Times."

Notes from Dan:

My wife and I just saw this film at the Glenn Art Theater in downtown Glenn
Ellyn. The film is excellent, and kept me interested all the way through. It
raises several questions, most of which have yet to be answered. I strongly
recommend seeing this film.

The largest question that the movie raises is whether or not large ol-media
organizations such as the New York Times will be able to survive, and also
whether it matters if they survive or not. There are several arguments on
both sides, with very good points.

Personally, I think the answer on whether it matters if these institutions
survive lies somewhere between the extremes of letting them die and keeping
them in print. I think the print edition is accessible to those who can't
afford technology, or are unable to adapt to modern web technology. I also
think that a billion bloggers still can't match the focused investigative
depth that a full-blown newsroom of the Times' caliber is capable of. There
are very few in online media who can come close to the access and full-time
devotion to a story such institutions are capable of.

Of course, those arguments only hold true if such institutions decide to
follow a given story, and if they verify that their sources are in-fact
accurate and that trusted insiders aren't abusing the institution. Judith
Miller and the run-up to the Iraq war come to mind. The cost of that
particular debacle to U.S., Iraqi, and international society has been
immense and horrific.

Old media also can't effectively cover the full breadth of global news or
match the flash-speed of an online story gone viral. It's like comparing a
battery of brilliant spotlights to the flashes of lightning in a massive
thunderstorm system. They just aren't the same thing. One is
tightly-controlled and narrowly focused, the other is wide-ranging and
intensely-fast, but also erratic and un-controlled, without duration and

Trust is an issue with both forms of media, explicitly in the case of
internet stories, and implicitly in the case of corporate-owned (and likely
corporate-controlled) monolithic old-media. After all, it is just as easy to
twist truth in reporting by omission as it is by saying outright falsehoods,
and both are dangerous things in an open society that is truly

My personal leaning is to have as wide as possible scope of headline
information so that I can choose what to follow in-depth myself. I think
this "big-picture" view is indispensable, and that the past ten years have
exposed many things that are deep internal threats to our democracy and way
of life, and even more importantly, to our future survivability as a

If we were still operating in an era entirely dominated by large-scale
monolithic one-way media, there are many things that the large corporations
and extremely-wealthy would have kept hidden from the masses. Without the
resources of those institutions, we would lose the deep investigative power
of a fully-developed newsroom. In the end, I think it will be necessary to
strip the old-media from corporate hands and merge it with the new-media
flash-mob zeitgeist of global information.

The interesting thing is, it seems to me that varying forms of exactly that
are starting to come into being. The old-media and the top-of-class
new-media are coming up with their own versions of just such organizations.
It's the financial structures that have yet to be figured out in the most
obsessive-compulsive capitalist society ever to exist on Earth. Even the
Ferenghi on Star Trek would have a hard time competing with modern American
and trans-national corporations.

Today, however, and in the next few years to come, the story remains to be
fully-written. There are multiple plots involved, and it boils down to the
very large few and the very small many, and how they interact. I believe
that if either fails to value and support the other sufficiently, the whole
system will break down.

Given the stories I'm seeing in all forms of media over the last few years,
I think that most people in either paradigm are in for some
seriously-hard-knock schooling on this point. I sincerely hope I'm wrong,
and that things will find a way to mesh that everyone can live with.

All the best,

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[PDI] FW: A dramatic turn


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Mintz, Civic Action <>
Sent: July 27, 2011 11:24 AM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: A dramatic turn

Dear MoveOn member,

In the last 24 hours things took a dramatic turn in the fight over whether we'll default on our debt. 

Progressives organized over 800 rallies nationwide that generated a flood of pressure on Republicans. The president's speech led to so many people contacting Congress that the switchboard jammed. And Speaker Boehner is struggling to get enough votes to pass his terrible proposal through the Republican House. 

Suddenly, there's a path to a deal that doesn't simply cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid to pay for tax breaks for the rich.

But the next 3 days are crucial, and we need to turn up the heat even further. We're planning an emergency rally on the Capitol steps tomorrow, recording new ads targeting swing Republicans, and keeping the pressure on Democrats so they stand strong. 

But we can't do this without money. Every minute counts—which is why this email is short—and every dollar will help us do more. Can you chip in $5?

Yes, I can contribute to help keep up the fight.

Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Justin, Elena, Robin, and the rest of the team

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

[PDI] York PC 112: Chicago Tribune Calls Empty Forecloures "Eyesores & Crime-Magnets"; I Call Them Opportunities To House The Homeless...

Here's the Trib article link:

Doesn't it strike you as criminally insane that we have millions of vacant homes at the same time that millions of people are in "tent cities" or street curbs? What is wrong with this picture? Have we become so callous and heartless?

Why are we not siezing these empty homes via eminent domain and helping Habitat For Humanity and other such charities stretch their strapped budgets?

There are empty houses. There are homeless people. There are construction workers short on jobs.

It's a simple solution. The banks should be donating these homes to States and Charities to pay back their bail-outs and get their property tax payments off the balance sheets, but I guess they're just too greedy.

All the best,


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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

[PDI] FW: The Raw Deal?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Bletzer <>
Sent: July 20, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: Fw: The Raw Deal?

Dear Friends and Family,
I'm sure most of you are smart enough to see through the media and political hype that refers to Social Security as an "entitlement program".  Social Security is NOT an entitlement program. It is an INSURANCE program that we have ALL paid into with contributions from our employers.  The 'Baby Boomer' generation was the First generation to fully fund, not only our own Social Security benefits, but those of our parents as well.  When Reagan realized he could not fund all the tax cuts to his wealthy buddies; he started looking for other sources of revenue.  Alan Greenspan told him he could move money from (ie RAID) the Social Security trust fund to fund other government expenses without it showing up as deficit spending.  Reagan jumped at chance, as has every president since, to raid this fund and collectively our political leaders have LOOTED 2.7 trillion dollars from this fund!!  Now they want to CUT Social Security and Medicare benefits.  THIS IS UNCONSCIONABLE!!!  There are so many other ways to raise this revenue. 
Please check out the email below and consider signing the petition and calling Obama's office and your members of Congress; as I have done.
Best Regards,
Jon B. 

--- On Wed, 7/20/11, Dennis Kucinich<> wrote:

From: Dennis Kucinich <>
Subject: The Raw Deal?
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 1:34 PM

The Raw Deal?
Dear Jonathan Bletzer,

"A Big Deal."

That's what the White House has been fighting for the past few weeks in negotiations over raising the debt ceiling. It was a search for a "compromise."

And so yesterday, President Obama applauded the gang of six "compromise" based on, as he explains, "shared sacrifice and everybody ... giving up something."

The only thing being compromised is the Administration's values. This deal cuts Social Security and threatens Medicare and Medicaid, selling out those who need help the most, America's children, poor and elderly - all while taxes are being cut.

Our message is simple: cutting Social Security which has nothing to do with the debt ceiling is not a "big deal" we can accept, it is a bad deal we must reject. Please sign my petition now, and forward it to 10 of your friends:

Do not let them disingenuously fold the issue of Social Security - which is solvent through 2036 - into raising the debt limit. Do not let them move the ball so far down the field that a "compromise" has become a politically friendly term for caving in on the very cornerstone of our Party and - more importantly - on well established principles of economic and social justice in America.

The more details that emerge, the worse the picture gets. While our unemployment remains perilously high and families are suffering, instead of a roadmap for recovery we are receiving directions towards another depression. Any "deal" that ignores the massive economic challenges of this country and balances the budget on the backs of children, seniors and the poor is not moral. In a lifetime, will our party have journeyed from the New Deal to the Raw Deal?

I hope you can help me through insisting that Congress find a more fair and just compromise. It would be helpful if you sign the petition and circulate it to your contacts.

With respect,

Dennis Kucinich
PO Box 110475 | Cleveland | OH | 44111 | 216-252-9000
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[PDI] FW: Medicare's 46th Anniversary Events


-----Original Message-----
From: Healthcare-NOW! <>
Sent: July 20, 2011 8:42 AM
Subject: Medicare's 46th Anniversary Events

Can't read this email? View it in your web browser.
Medicare's 46th Anniversary Events
Nationwide - PDA Brown Bag Lunch Vigils - July 20
Albany, NY - July 21
Albany, NY - August 1
Bellingham, WA - July 29
Chicago, IL - July 27
Corvallis, OR - July 30
Fort Collins, CO - July 30
Front Royal, VA - August 2
Gainesville, FL - July 30
Jeffersonville, IN - July 30
Ithaca, NY - August 1
League City, TX - July 23
Lexington, KY - August 10
Louisville, KY - July 27 - 30
Philadelphia, PA - July 29
Pittsburgh, PA - July 29
Portland, OR - July 30
San Diego, CA - July 31
San Francisco, CA - July 30
Seattle, WA - July 30
Stockton, CA - July 29
Syracuse, NY - July 27
Sullivan County, NY - July 29
Utica, NY - July 27
Washington, DC - July 20
Dear Daniel :
July 30th is Medicare's 46th anniversary, and this marks an important opportunity to highlight how improved Medicare-for-all--not cuts to our vital social insurance programs--is the solution to our health and fiscal crisis.
We asked single-payer supporters to organize events in honor of Medicare's 46th anniversary and we're incredibly excited about the response! Events are listed to the right.
Show your support for the protection and expansion of Medicare by attending one or more of the rallies, discussions, and/or meetings.
If you don't see an event near you, organize your own. We compiled great resources for inspiration and guidance here, including an organizer's toolkit and a sample flyer.
Email us at to let us know about your event. We can send you "Medicare: The Solution, Not the Problem!" signs and postcards addressed to Congress urging them to support Medicare-for-all.
If you can't organize an event, but still want to support the protection of Medicare this month, you can participate in our "Why I Want Medicare for All" video campaign and mark your calendar for a national call-in day to Congress on Monday, July 25th.
For Improved Medicare for All,
Katie, Jeff, and Francesca
Healthcare-NOW! National Staff
Healthcare-NOW! survives on the generosity of our supporters. Please consider making a donation or joining Healthcare-NOW! to support our efforts on our secure server.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

[PDI] FW: The latest re: the Democracy Convention in Madison, Wisconsin August 24-28, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: Liberty Tree <>
Sent: July 19, 2011 6:35 PM
Subject: The latest re: the Democracy Convention in Madison, Wisconsin August 24-28, 2011

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. . . plans to join us in Madison. Michelle Shocked is headlining the celebration!
Our initial list of confirmed speakers:
Tom Hayden

Michelle Shocked
Mayor Paul Soglin
Gar Alperovitz
Anne Feeney
John Nichols
Adam Porton
Ald. Joe Moore
Ben Manski
Beverly Speer
Bill Thorington
Bryan Kennedy
Cynthia Lin
Dace A. Zeps
David Cobb
Diane Farsetta
Erika Wolf
Frank Emspak
Leesa George Friday
Heidi Wegleitner
Jeff Clements
Jerome Scott
John Bonifaz
Kabzuag Vaj
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
Kevin Zeese
Leah Bolger
Lisa Graves
Maram Abdelhamid
Margaret Flowers
Mary Bottari
Matt Nelson
Matthew Rothschild
Mike McCabe
Molly Stentz
Monica Adams
Nancy Price
Norman Stockwell

Rep. Michael Fisher
Riki Ott
Rob Richie
Ronnie Cummins
Sam Munger
Sarah Manski
Ted Glick
Z! Haukeness

 . . . with many more to be announced . . .

August 24 - 28, 2011 
Downtown Madison, Wisconsin

In just over a month, the U.S. democracy movement will gather at the eye of the storm in Madison, Wisconsin. Join us.
Early registration and hotel room discounts end July 27. Decide to join us in bringing democracy to the U.S.A.. Register now.  It's easy, it's time.  Register and  book your room today.
Scores of unions, groups, and businesses have already signed on as sponsors and are contributing to the preparations. With nine different pro-democracy conferences happening in one place, there will be something for everyone.
Should your union, group, or business logo appear as a sponsor of the Democracy Convention? Yes!   Sponsor today.
And please help us to get the word out, forward this e-mail to your networks. Like us on  Facebook and invite your friends.  Contact us today to order postcard-sized flyers to distribute in your community and at events.
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A., courtesy of:
Liberty Tree
Alliance for Democracy
Center for Media and Democracy
Move to Amend
The Progressive 
Coffee Party USA
Democracy Unlimited (DUHC)
Freedom, Inc.
It's Our Economy
Progressive Dane
United Council of UW Students
Veterans for Peace
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
Workers Independent News
Alliance for Democracy
Anne Feeney
Free Speech for People
Peaceful Uprising
CODEPINK: Women for Peace
Tuvalu Coffeehouse & Gallery
Veterans for Peace
Wisconsin Positive Business Alliance
Alliance for Democracy (Missouri Chapter), Community Pharmacy Coop, Greens of Kansas City, Groundwork, Just Coffee, Kansas City Move to Amend, National Lawyers Guild (Madison Chapter)Praxis Peace Institute, Progressive Democrats of North Carolina, South Valley Peace Center, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - Triangle Branch
A.E. Havens Center
S.C. WI Move to Amend
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice
Wisconsin Wave
     . . . with more to come . . .
Sponsor the Democracy Convention:
Join participants coming from:
Ann Arbor
Beaver Dam
Black Mountain
Blue Mounds
Brodheadsville Brookfield
Cedar Rapids
Chapel Hill
Cleveland Heights Clintonville
Cottage Grove
Crystal Lake
Cuyahoga Falls
Des Moines
East Lansing
Eau Claire
Falls Church
Fort Bragg
Fort Collins
Fort Myers
Fort Thomas
Guerneville Hollidaysburg
Indian Rocks Beach Iowa City
Kansas City
Kyoto, Japan
La Crosse
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Mastic Beach McFarland
Mound Valley
Mount Horeb
New Brunswick
New York
North Hollywood
North Hudson
North Kansas City
Pell Lake
Richland Center Rockford
Royal Oak
S. Pasadena
S. Yarmouth
San Francisco
Santa Cruz
Santa Fe
Santa Rosa
Silver Spring
St. Paul
St. Louis
St. Paris
St. Pete Beach
Stevens Point
Sun Prairie
Union Grove
Washington, D.C.
. . . and more!

P.O. Box 260217 | Madison, WI 53726-0217 US
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-----Original Message-----
From: Raw Story Top Stories <>
Sent: July 19, 2011 9:30 AM

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^ Top Stories for July 19, 2011



› [2]Attractive candidates have advantage: study

› [3]Elizabeth Warren: We will not let Republicans 'rip arms and legs off'
of consumer agency

› [4]LulzSec hacks Sun, runs story about Murdoch dying

› [5]Google suspends ad for book critical of nuke cover-up

› [6]Israeli nursing home prescribes medical marijuana

› [7]India reveals 'world's biggest' uranium discovery


Daily Show: Politicians only able to raise 'bullsh*t ceiling'

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart thinks the reason so many Republicans won't
work with President Barack Obama isn't because he's black, it's because has
an "obsession" with raising taxes. "He is obsessed," Stewart noted. "That
explains Obama's new cologne, 'Taxes by Calvin Klein.'" [10]Read more ›

Colbert: Fox News 'blew the lid back on' the News Corp. hacking story

On Monday night's Colbert Report, Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert
praised Fox News host Steve Doocy as a "voice of reason" in the News Corp.
hacking scandals, helping to "blow the lid back on" the story. "We've got
some serious problems in this country," Doocy said during a recent
broadcast. "We are teetering on default and what do they do? They talk about
this." [11]Read more ›


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Monday, July 18, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

[PDI] FW: Vast Corporate Conspiracy to Mold State Legislation Unveiled


-----Original Message-----
From: Move to Amend <>
Sent: July 14, 2011 12:23 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: Vast Corporate Conspiracy to Mold State Legislation Unveiled

"We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling
in Citizens United, and Move to Amend our Constitution."
Sign the Petition:
* * *
The Center for Media and Democracy (a Move to Amend founding partner) has obtained copies of more than
800 model bills approved by corporations through ALEC meetings, after one of the thousands of people with
access shared them, and a whistleblower provided a copy to the Center. They have analyzed and marked-up
those bills and made them available at  ALEC Exposed. 
About ALEC Exposed

An open letter from CMD's Executive Director, Lisa Graves
In April 2011, some of the biggest corporations in the U.S. met behind closed doors
in Cincinnati about their wish lists for changing state laws.  This exchange was part
of a series of corporate meetings nurtured and fueled by the Koch Industries family
fortune and other corporate funding.

At an extravagant hotel gilded just before the Great Depression, corporate executives
from the tobacco giant R.J. Reynolds, State Farm Insurance, and other corporations
were joined by their "task force" co-chairs -- all Republican state legislators -- to
approve "model" legislation. They jointly head task forces of what is called the "American
Legislative Exchange Council" (ALEC).

There, as the Center for Media and Democracy has learned, these corporate-politician
committees secretly voted on bills to rewrite numerous state laws. According to the
documents we have posted to ALEC Exposed, corporations vote as equals with elected politicians on these bills.
These task forces target legal rules that reach into almost every area of American life: worker and consumer
rights, education, the rights of Americans injured or killed by corporations, taxes, health care, immigration, and
the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink.

The Center obtained copies of more than 800 model bills approved by companies through ALEC meetings, after
one of the thousands of people with access shared them, and a whistleblower provided a copy to the Center.
Those bills, which the Center has analyzed and marked-up, are now available at ALEC Exposed.

The bills that ALEC corporate leaders, companies and politicians voted on this spring now head to a luxury hotel
in New Orleans' French Quarter for ALEC's national retreat on August 3rd. In New Orleans, Koch Industries --
through its chief lobbyist -- and lobbyists of other global companies are slated for a "joint board meeting" with a
rookery of Republican legislators who are on ALEC's public board. Before the bills are publicly introduced in state
legislatures by ALEC politicians or alumni in the governor's offices, they will be cleansed of any reference to the
secret corporate voting or who really wrote them.

With CMD's publication of the bills, the public can now pierce through some of the subterfuge about ALEC, and
see beyond the names of the bills to what the bills really do, alongside the names of corporations that lead or
have helped lead ALEC's agenda and accompanied by analysis to help decode the bills.

Many of the bills have obvious financial benefits for corporations but little or no direct benefit to the constituents
that a particular legislator was elected to represent. Still, it may be tempting to dismiss ALEC as merely
institutionalizing business as usual for lobbyists, except that ALEC's tax-free donations are linked to it not spending
a substantial amount of time on lobbying to change the law. ALEC has publicly claimed its "unparalleled" success
in terms of the number of model bills introduced and enacted. But seeing the text of the bills helps reveal the
actual language of legal changes ALEC corporations desire, beyond what can be known by the PR in their titles.
ALEC says it has created a "unique" partnership between corporations and politicians. And it has.

It is a worrisome marriage of corporations and politicians, which seems to normalize a kind of corruption of the
legislative process -- of the democratic process--in a nation of free people where the government is supposed
to be of, by, and for the people, not the corporations.

The full sweep of the bills and their implications for America's future, the corporate voting, and the extent of the
corporate subsidy of ALEC's legislation laundering all raise substantial questions. These questions should
concern all Americans. They go to the heart of the health of our democracy and the direction of our country.
When politicians -- no matter their party -- put corporate profits above the real needs of the people who elected
them, something has gone very awry.

As President Teddy Roosevelt observed in response to corporate money corrupting the democratic process a
century ago, "The true friend of property, the true conservative, is he who insists that property shall be the
servant and not the master of the commonwealth . . . . The citizens of the United States must effectively control
the mighty commercial forces which they have called into being."

ALEC anointed the billionaire Koch Brothers as two of the first few recipients of its "Adam Smith Free Enterprise
Award." Smith argued that self-interest promoted more good in society than those who intend to do good.
"Greed is good!" is how Oliver Stone translated this concept to fiction on screen.

On that score, perhaps, the award was apt, except that ALEC apparently ignores Smith's caution that bills and
regulations from business must be viewed with the deepest skepticism. In his book, ''Wealth of Nations'', Smith
urged that any law proposed by businessmen "ought always to be listened to with great precaution . . . It comes
from an order of men, whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an
interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both
deceived and oppressed it."

One need not look far in the ALEC bills to find reasons to be deeply concerned and skeptical.Take a look for yourself. 
--Lisa Graves, Director, Center for Media and Democracy
(and Move to Amend Executive Committee Member)

P.S. This weekend, on July 16 and 17, Americans in more than 1,500 cities, towns and neighborhoods will
host house meetings to share stories, shape a new Contract for the AmericanDream, and set our priorities
for how we can work together as a movement to fix our economy and rebuild the American Dream.
Move to Amend asks you to attend a meeting in your community, and invite others there to join our coalition.
Bring Move to Amend petitions with you, and make the case for why Move to Amend's proposal to amend the
Constitution to abolish corporate personhood and make real the promise of American democracy needs to be
part of the "Contract for the American Dream." You can submit ideas for the new Contract here.

Move to Amend
P.O. Box 260217
Madison, WI 53726-0217
United States
End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy. Move to Amend.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

[PDI] FW: UPDATE: Wisconsin


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Snook, <>
Sent: July 13, 2011 2:02 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: UPDATE: Wisconsin

Last night was a big victory toward recalling Wisconsin Republicans -- a goal we'll accomplish together in less than a month.
As Talking Points Memo describes, "Soon after the recall elections were triggered, Republicans declared a strategy to plant fake candidates in the Democratic primaries." This was "dirty tricks and mischief-making."
Last night, all of the real Democrats won their primaries -- and the 50,000 phone calls made by our "Call Out The Vote" program were a key part of this success.
Now, let's finish the deal. Can you make calls to key voters before the big August 9 general election?
Yes! I can help Democrats win back the Wisconsin State Senate -- show me the upcoming "Call Out The Vote" shifts!
No -- but I can chip in $3 to help the recall effort.
If we win these recalls, it will have huge ripple effects -- sending a national message that voters will hold Republicans accountable for their war on working families.
The Nation's Jon Nichols reports, "the Democratic primaries provided a test of the operations of both parties." Exactly! And our side's operation is a well-greased victory machine.
A special thanks goes out to thousands of PCCC members who have already made calls, donated money, and gave time to make these recalls a reality. And to our "Call Out The Vote" partners at Democracy for America -- and our awesome local partners at We Are Wisconsin.
Please help finish the job and hold Wisconsin Republicans accountable. Can you call Wisconsin voters from your home?
Yes! I can help Democrats win back the Wisconsin State Senate -- show me the upcoming "Call Out The Vote" shifts!
No -- but I can chip in $3 to help the recall effort.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Michael Snook, Keauna Gregory, Amanda Johnson, Jake Conarck, and the PCCC team
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in $3 here.
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

[PDI] FW: [News IL Single Payer] Fwd: sue saltmarsh has sent you a message from


-----Original Message-----
From: Illinois Single Payer Coalition News <>
Sent: July 11, 2011 5:02 PM
To: ISPC Newsletter/alert List <>
Subject: [News IL Single Payer] Fwd: sue saltmarsh has sent you a message from

ISPC E-News July 2011
By sue saltmarsh
Created 07/11/2011 - 16:53
Sunday, July 24 – 11:00 AM
 Single-Payer Literature Table
             Health Fair
             Nazarene All Nations Church
             6508 S. Ashland Ave.
Wednesday, July 27 – 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Hands Off My Medicare!
            Thompson Center
            100 W. Randolph
Thursday, July 28 – 5:30 – 8:00 PM
Dr. David Ansell Book Signing and Discussion:
            Public Health Care in Crisis 19602 to Present
            Grace Place
            637 S. Dearborn,
Sunday, July 31 – 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Health Care for All Illinois Summer Social
            Near NW side
            For reservations and details, call Anne Scheetz, 773-486-6276
Illinois News
ISPC – Onward and Upward
Three years ago, a handful of single-payer activists founded the Illinois Single-Payer Coalition to help spread the word that health care is a human right! We began by distributing literature at community events, speaking to organizations large and small, training new speakers, and holding our own events, from panel discussions and fundraisers (bowling anyone?) to hearings and lobbying in Springfield for HB 311, the Illinois Universal Health Care Act.
Today we have 730 people in our database, and an impressive roster of organizational members: Access Living, American Medical Student Association, Champaign County Health Care Consumers, Chicago Single-Payer Action Network, Gray Panthers, Health Care for All Illinois, Illinois Green Party, Illinois Media Progressives, National Nurses United, Physicians for a National Health Program, Progressive Democrats of America-Illinois, and Southern Illinois People for Progress.
Over the past year our membership has grown rapidly, and our vision has expanded to match. We're quickly becoming a source of unity for statewide single-payer organizations and advocates, and we've come to recognize the need for more structure, professionalism, and, yes, fundraising as we build a strong and diverse organization. 
In December of 2010, the Steering Committee of the Illinois Single-Payer Coalition met to discuss strategy for strengthening the organization. During that meeting, it was decided that the ISPC should pursue incorporation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (good news—your contribution will be tax-deductible!). To that end, several committees were formed and worked through the winter researching the incorporation process, writing and re-writing by-laws, and coming up with ideas for creating the first Board for Directors.
We are now pleased to welcome our first Directors, all long-time activists for the single-payer cause: Bill Bianchi, chair of Progressive Democrats of America of Illinois; Phil Crivellone, law clerk and member of the Chicago Single-Payer Action Network (ChiSPAN); Pam Gronemeyer, MD, ISPC Co-Chair, on the board of Missourians for Single-Payer and leader of Downstate Democrats for Change; Dawn McMillan, CPA, business accountant, and board member of BEDS Plus, an organization serving the homeless in the western suburbs; Sonja Rotenberg, MSW, ISPC Co-Chair; Steve Serikaku, retired Chicago public high school teacher; and Rich Whitney, attorney and founding member of the Illinois Green Party. Our Board members are based in the Chicago area, Collinsville, LaGrange, and Carbondale, and we hope soon to add directors from Champaign County and Springfield.
On June 15, ISPC's incorporation papers were filed with the Secretary of State and on June 28, we appeared on the Secretary of State's website as a corporation. Thanks to Phil Crivellone for doing the paperwork and making sure things were filed correctly.
As ISPC continues to grow, communication will be increasingly important. This newsletter (with its cool logo) is one major step. We've had some technical difficulties getting it to everyone, but hopefully, they've been resolved and it will now be able to arrive monthly.
Thanks to Lorin Klugman for creating our original website and maintaining it for three years on a volunteer basis—it has served us well, but a spruced-up and more functional website is currently on our agenda.
Thanks to Giudi Weiss, we will soon have a shorter domain name – We also have a web designer, Kyle Hannah, and a new webmaster, Kyla Klein as well. The Website Committee met with these two cyber-wizards at the end of June and we're all excited to see the new website become a reality. Next up: Facebook, Twitter, and some serious fundraising to build the organization into a real force for single-payer health care. Stay tuned for news of further progress!
ISPC Marches in July 4th Parades   
Anne Scheetz and Jim Rhodes joined the Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice (FVC4P&J) in the July 4th parade in Elgin, carrying an eight-foot single-payer banner. Other people in the group passed out some 600 flyers (some including health care and ISPC information) to the crowd and carried signs related to ending the wars and other peace and justice issues.
Mary Shesgreen of FVC4P&J organized the group's participation.
In Anne's report to the ISPC, she said, "We were impressed with the reception the group received from the people lined up along the parade route. People along the route were cheerful, not tired, and hadn't been drinking." There was evidently only one heckler and negative comments or silence were countered with plenty of applause.
Guidi Weiss and Marcia Rothenberg also celebrated the 4th by passing out fliers and spreading the word about single-payer to many in the crowd at the Hyde Park parade.
Thanks to Anne, Jim, Giudi, and Macia for representing us well!
HB 311 Co-Sponsors
With the addition of 18th District State Representative Robyn Gabel, HB 311, the Illinois Universal Health Care Act now has seven co-sponsors. Representative Gabel joins her fellow Democrats sponsor Mary Flowers, Linda Chapa LaVia, La Shawn K. Ford, Greg Harris, Camille Lilly, and Rita Mayfield.
If your representative isn't on that list, call, write, or email and urge him or her to support the bill!
Schakowsky Signs On
On June 21, Jan Schakowsky signed on to HR 1200, the American Health Security Act. Representative Schakowsky was the sixth representative to become a co-sponsor. The Senate companion bill to HR 1200, S 915, still has no co-sponsors.
DUH Inches Forward
The idea of creating a mass demonstration in Washington in July of 2012 started with AIDS activists and ISPC-er Sue Saltmarsh got inspired and urged them to expand to include everyone who is living with a medical condition, medical debt, or is sick and tired of insurance companies caring about profit over people. Though it seems a mountainous concept, Saltmarsh and her cohorts have barreled forward.
As you can see, DUH has a logo and it also has a Facebook page – if you're on Facebook, read more about it in the Information section and "like" it!
Saltmarsh has roped in Rick Guasco, designer of the ISPC logo, as well as the DUH one; Keith Green, Director of National Affairs for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, who created the Facebook page; and Tobin Del Cuore, up and coming filmmaker, who will be shooting videos of people telling their horror stories, as well as filming the actual demonstration. The first video of Sue talking about the need for and benefits of single-payer, as well as her own experiences with insurance, has been shot and is being edited. It will be posted on YouTube and the DUH Facebook page when it's done. More will soon follow. A Chicago area planning committee is in the process of being formed with specific objectives in mind. If you're interested in starting a planning committee in your area, or have questions or comments, you can email Sue at 
Got a Scoop? Send It In!
Since this newsletter will hopefully soon be sweeping the state keeping single-payer advocates connected to the latest news, if there's something going on in your area that you'd like to share via the E-News, send it to Events, legislative news, and reports from your organization will be most welcome. Let your fellow advocates know what's happening in your neck of the woods!
National News
AFL-CIO Endorses McDermott/Sanders' American Health Security Act
AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker declared the Federation's support for companion single-payer bills (S. 915 and H.R. 1200), the American Health Security Act (AHSA). Speaking at a press conference called by sponsors Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Jim McDermott, Holt Baker declared that, "The single-payer approach is one that the AFL-CIO supports and that deserves dedicated congressional support." Holt Baker referred to the AFL-CIO 2009 Convention resolution and subsequent Executive Council actions in support of a social insurance model for healthcare reform and called on congressional leaders to unite behind such a plan. The full statement by Holt Baker is available here.
The American Health Security Act would provide universal coverage for comprehensive services including mental health and long-term care and incorporates Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and TRICARE (the Department of Defense health care program) but maintains health care programs under the Veterans Administration. It will emphasize primary and preventative care and free choice of providers.
Under the national Act, each state would be required to set up and administer a universal health care program. Contrary to bills that have been proposed in the past, both federally and at the state level, the AHSA comes complete with plans for how to finance it. Progressive financing through an employer payroll tax of 6.7%, a 2% tax on all incomes under $200,000 (less than the 3.3% associated with HR 676), a surcharge on high-income taxpayers, and a financial transactions tax is the plan being proposed. You can read the text of the legislation by going to To see financing information, click on TITLE VIII--FINANCING PROVISIONS; AMERICAN HEALTH SECURITY TRUST FUND.
Co-Sponsors Added
There was a little good news in June and early July about co-sponsors for the single-payer bills in the House. H.R. 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, gained Democrat Alcee Hastings of Florida and Washington Democrat Jim McDermott. H.R.1200, the American Health Security Act, gained Democrats Raul Grijalva (NM), Keith Ellison (MN), and Judy Chu (CA), John Conyers (MI), William Clay (MO), and Dennis Kucinich (OH) as well as Jan Schakowsky.
H.R. 676 is the original single-payer legislation, proposing a federal single-payer system. H.R. 1200 and its Senate companion bill S. 915, proposing that each state set up its own single-payer system. 
Single-Payer Bill Introduced in New York
New York Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, a Democrat from Manhattan and Chairman of the Health Committee, has introduced A07860, legislation creating a single-payer plan for all residents of the state. The bill has more than 60 Assembly and Senate co-sponsors.
The bill creates the State Health Plan, which would draw revenues from the State Health Trust Fund. The fund would get its money from federal and other funds already going to the state from Medicaid and other sources, plus new payroll taxes. Unlike Illinois' bill, a proposal for funding is included in this legislation. The payroll taxes would be 2% on employees, 8% on employers and 10% on the self-employed. Private health insurance premiums in New York are now about 22% to 25% of payroll.
"We can get better coverage, get all of us covered, and save billions by having New York provide publicly sponsored single-payer health coverage," Gottfried said.
He said this may be the closest New York could get to an economic silver bullet, making the state much more "job friendly" by eliminating the need for employers to pay for health insurance.
Gottfried's bill has "miles to go before becoming law," according to a report at, as Governor Andrew Cuomo has no known position on it. Cuomo was inconsistent with his attitude towards the insurance industry as attorney general. The bill at least has early strong support from some Democrats from across the state.
Medicare Turns 46
Medicare's 46th anniversary is on July 30th. As noted
by Healthcare-NOW, "this marks a great opportunity for us to show how Medicare-for-all is the answer to our country's health and fiscal crisis."
Events celebrating the anniversary and promoting Medicare-for-all will be going on across the country and Healthcare-NOW wants to help publicize the events.
For each event that is being organized, they will send "Medicare: The Solution, Not the Problem!" signs and postcards addressed to Congress members to urge them to support Medicare-for-all. To let them know about your event, e-mail
There is also help available for those who want to organize an event. Check out the Organizer's Toolkit and other resources at
NOW Endorses Medicare-for-all
The National Organization for Women wrapped up its 45th National Conference in Tampa, Florida. on June 26.
Topping NOW's policy agenda are improved Social Security benefits for women and a "Medicare for All" single-payer health care system as the solution to the health and fiscal crisis, including supporting the American Health Security Act of 2011 (S 915).
"Women need jobs, not cuts," said NOW President Terry O'Neill. "We oppose any cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and any health benefits derived from the Social Security Act. And candidates who want women's support need to stand with us in support of single-payer healthcare legislation on the state and federal levels."
Editor's Note
As noted above, July 30 will be the 46th anniversary of Medicare, the program enacted by President Johnson to ensure that senior citizens have access to the medical care they need. As we all know, Medicare and Medicaid have recently been under attack by Republicans who value profit over people.
We must seize this moment of political awakening in order to, first, educate our fellow Americans about just what the cost and benefits of a single-payer system would be, and then second, to encourage them to be active in demanding it. Medicare's anniversary gives us good opportunities to do those things.
A wealth of impressive facts exists about the benefits of single-payer, but the question of how to pay for it has yet to be definitively answered. I believe it's going to be necessary to have that answer if any progress is to be made.
Proposals are beginning to be included in legislation, like the one in New York's legislation and the one in S.915/H.R.1200, but there has yet to be solid consensus from the single-payer advocacy community. The theory has been that those details can be hammered out later, as they often are in legislative bodies, but I believe that's a mistake. No matter how well-written your legislation or how stirring your informational presentation is, the first thing politicians and taxpayers alike will probably ask is, "How is this going to be paid for?" If all we have is, "Well, that hasn't been settled yet, but…" they will be more likely to dismiss it as pie in the sky.
It would be great to celebrate Medicare's anniversary by trying to get these facts settled and in our arsenal. I don't know what it will take to get that done—obviously, productive conversation between the single-payer advocacy community and legislators, state and federal, will be necessary. Probably some sort of economic study will have to be done by those who, unlike myself, do not have an adversarial relationship with money. But let's not drag our feet. We must use whatever momentum is building to our advantage.
                                                                        —Sue Saltmarsh
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[PDI] FW: Our Children's Lungs.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Sellers, The Other 98% <>
Sent: July 11, 2011 1:58 PM
Subject: Our Children's Lungs.

The Kochs are taking aim at our children's lungs.

Will you help us fight back?
Yes, I will!

Dear Daniel,
The Kochs are at it again - and this time, they're taking aim at our children's lungs.

The Koch Brothers and their Tea Party-funding oil front group, Americans For Prosperity, are suing New York's Governor, Andrew Cuomo, for taking part in RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative), a cap-and-trade program that has forced corporate polluters to pay, and that has so far raised over $700 million for renewable energy and green jobs.
The Koch Brothers want it to be illegal for huge corporations to pay for their pollution - but they think it's just fine to make the American people pay the price.

Join us in telling Andrew Cuomo to fight back against the Koch Brothers - before it's too late.
The dirty energy Koch-Blockers in congress have thwarted attempts to address our climate emergency at every turn. RGGI is a shining example of states stepping up to the plate to protect our children's future. If it crumbles in New York, it's going to crumble across all the RGGI states along the east coast - and it'll be even tougher to challenge the Kochs in the future. We have got to stop this.
Andrew Cuomo needs to hear from us: we need him to stand up strong against the Kochs and this dirty lawsuit.

Thank you for fighting the good fight with us.
John Sellers, The Other 98%
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Saturday, July 09, 2011

[PDI] Just Views event in August "Billionare's Tea Party

This should be a really good one!
Friday, August 12, 2011 at 7:20 pm:
Tonight's film, entitled "Billionaires' Tea Party: How Corporate America
is Faking a Grassroots Revolution", chronicles Australian filmmaker Taki
Oldham's US visit starting in late 2009 to explore "astroturfing"; rather
than artificial grass, this term refers to a form of advocacy in support of a
corporate agenda designed to give the appearance of an independent,
large-scale, public, grassroots movement. For example, billionaire Koch brothers
funded the Americans For Prosperity group, which guided Tea Party
opposition to climate legislation. Posing as a free-market activist, Taki attends "
Tea Party" events to learn more about supporters' views on reduced
government spending, taxation and regulation, and reduction of the national debt
and federal budget deficit. As Taki shows, anti-government rage may be less
representative of public sentiment and more of corporate strategy. For more
info and to purchase the DVD, go to

We are inviting resource people related to media and government reform to
join us for the viewing and discussion. We will discuss media and big
business roles in elections and proposals for tax and budget reform. We welcome
active audience participation and all points of view.

Our timely issues programs are free and open to the public, no reservations
required. Parking is free, too. Just Views shows great films about matters
vital to social and economic justice on second Fridays monthly--year '
round. View and then share views from different vantages with citizens
attending and invited resource persons. Each night is a stimulating, informal,
stand-alone program. Just Views Director is sociologist Stephanie Hughes 630/
420-4233. Upcoming and past films are described at _www.DuPagePeace.org_
( --just click on Just Views. Also
click on "New DPTJC Maillist" and take simple steps to receive email notices
of future programs. Mark your calendars ahead now for the second Friday of
every month, pass along these notices, and bring friends!

All of our free monthly second-Friday Just Views programs start at 7:20
pm, are sponsored by the DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition and are held
at the Unitarian Church (DUUC) in Naperville IL at 4 S 535 Old Naperville
Road (630/505-9408) . Directions: Go (south of Route 88) to the corner of
Naperville Road and Diehl. Proceed one block east along Diehl, then turn
left/north. Enter the Unitarian Church ahead on your right.

Don Kirchenberg
630-853-7650 Mobile
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[PDI] FW: T & I Committee Announcement


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Harnish <>
Sent: July 08, 2011 5:41 PM
Subject: T & I Committee Announcement


Yesterday, Congressman Mica (R-FL), Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, held an event to outline his proposal to reauthorize the surface transportation program.  Unfortunately, the Democratic members of the committee did not attend.  They held their own event at which they focused on the low dollar amount of the proposal.

Both events highlighted the dysfunctional state of our current transportation infrastructure program. It is clear that our country's transportation system needs to change. Gas tax revenue is decreasing while highway construction costs are increasing. Current programs and financing structures are no longer sustainable and we need to start more aggressively pursing alternatives.

This creates an opening for high-speed and intercity passenger rail to move forward. Many of the long-held assumptions about the transportation program are going to be challenged.  That gives us the opportunity to offer HSIPR as a real solution.

There is an immediate threat to be dealt with, however.  The Energy & Water Development Appropriations Bill will be moving to the House floor next week.  It contains language to rescind all the unspent HSIPR stimulus money.  The much needed rehab of the Chicago - Detroit Amtrak line will not move forward if this language remains in the final bill. In fact train speeds will drop to 25 mph over much of the route.  The currently planned replacement of Amtrak's outdated Midwestern fleet will also not occur.

That is why the Midwest High Speed Rail Association is working with other rail and transportation advocacy groups across the country to coordinate a National Call-In Day Monday, July 11th. Please check your inboxes on Monday for more instructions on how to reach out to your elected officials, asking them to fund high-speed and intercity passenger rail and protect already allocated funds. It is our hope that thousands of people will call and email their elected congressional officials, demonstrating the wide-spread support that exists for high-speed and intercity passenger rail!
You can get a jump on the process by clicking here.

To read more analysis and discussion details from the Mica event, visit our blog.

Rick Harnish

Executive Director

Midwest High Speed Rail Association

4765 N. Lincoln Ave.

Chicago, IL 60625


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Friday, July 08, 2011

[PDI] FW: Freedom for Whom?


-----Original Message-----
From: Move to Amend <>
Sent: July 08, 2011 1:52 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: Freedom for Whom?

"We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United,
and Move to Amend our Constitution."
* * *
"We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, and Move to Amend our Constitution."

* * *
Pending "free trade" deals enslave workers and benefit corporations
Dear friend,
The picnics, parades, and fireworks celebrating our Independence Day have come and gone, and in reality, so has our independence. We are perhaps more enslaved now then we were when we were under the thumb of the British East India Company and the Hudson Bay Company in colonial days. 
Corporations have a long history of interference when it comes to governing.
The current trade deals with Korea, Panama, and Columbia are fast-tracking their way through Congress -- more examples of corporations running amok.
Since NAFTA passed, over 28 million jobs have been exported, yet we still have a growing trade deficit.  In an effort to "balance the trade deficit", even more Americans will see their jobs exported (which is fully supported by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce).
Why are we going down this road in a period of extended high unemployment?  Why are we going down this road at all?
South Korea 'Free Trade' Deal: Another Funnel for Exploitation
As Obama Meets with Panama's President Martinelli, U.S.-Panama Trade, Tax Agreement Folly Comes into Focus
Why the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia Is Still a Bad Idea 
Watch this episode of Alliance for Democracy's Populist Dialogues with Arthur Stamoulis of the Oregon Fair Trade campaign.

Congress must hear our outrage over these pending deals, or they will pass them. Please call your senators and representatives and tell them:

You oppose the Korea, Panama and Columbia free trade deals.
The deals export American jobs to repressive low-wage countries. (No amount of trade assistance dollars will replace lost jobs.)
You stand on the side of American workers, not multinational corporations, and that you'll be sure to vote accordingly.

Click here for more talking points.

Need contact info?
Find your senators' contact info here.
Find representative's contact info here.
We know that calling our Congress people won't be enough to take our democracy back -- we need a Constitutional Amendment to get corporations out of our elections and our government.

Large corporations are the barrier standing in the way of the democracy we deserve. Don't let them add another brick to that wall. Please make your calls today, and invite your like-minded friends and family-members to join Move to Amendfor a systemic solution to corporate rule.

In solidarity with workers world-wide, 
The Move To Amend Team

Move to Amend
P.O. Box 260217
Madison, WI 53726-0217
United States
End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy. Move to Amend.
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Wednesday, July 06, 2011

[PDI] FW: Fwd: Support Superman 2050 Tour in association with MHSRA [TEXT ONLY]


-----Original Message-----
From: Madeline Grennan <>
Sent: July 06, 2011 4:25 PM
To: Dan Stafford cell <>
Subject: Fwd: Support Superman 2050 Tour in association with MHSRA [TEXT ONLY]

> Dan,
> As a fun outreach project for the summer, MHSRA is working with Chicago theater group Theater Un-Speak-Able to promote a Midwest Tour of Superman 2050.
> Superman 2050 is an innovative show about Superman, set in a world where Midwest cities are connected by a network of bullet trains! The show has just finished a run at Second City's Donny's Skybox Theatre and received great reviews. Now it's going on tour and the Midwest High Speed Rail Association is going along. As the Manager of Education and Outreach for the Association, I will be there every step of the way as a source of information about high-speed rail and how people we meet can help to make high-speed rail a reality.
> Tour Details:
> When - July 20th-25th
> Where - Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago
> How - by Riding Trains!
> Throughout the entire tour, the group will travel exclusively by train. In each city, they are hoping to perform at a train station as well as in a theater venue. A list of venues and times will be released soon. Along for the ride will also be a documentary filmmaker who will catalog every step along the way. At the end of the trip, he will edit together a documentary film that will tell the story of the current state of travel in the Midwest and just how important it is that we start pursuing high-speed rail as a region.
> But we need your help!
> 1. Attend a show! (venues and times to be released soon)
> 2. Help support the tour and MHSRA's efforts to spread the word about high-speed rail. Theater Un-Speak-Able needs to raise money to make the tour happen. Go to their Kickstarter page [ ] to help them reach their goal. You can donate as little as $1 (If everyone who receives this email donated just $1, they would reach their goal 8 times over!) They are also giving away a whole bunch of exclusive rewards (including show memorabilia, an exclusive comic series, and theater tickets!) for those who chose to help. Check it all out here [ ].
> 3. Please help spread the word about the tour!
> Finally, For those of you in Chicago, Superman 2050 will be back at Second City this fall for a second run at Donny's Skybox. Shows will be Fridays at 7:30pm from September 30th to October 21st.
> Sincerely,
> Madeline Grennan
> Manager of Education and Outreach
> Midwest High Speed Rail Association
> 4765 N. Lincoln Ave.
> Chicago, IL 60625
> 773-334-6758 Join us at [ ]

Madeline Grennan
Manager of Education and Outreach
Midwest High Speed Rail Association
4765 N. Lincoln Ave., Suite 205
Chicago, IL 60625

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Re: [PDI] How Obama Can Kill The Debt-Default Stand-Off

I will not be able to make tomorrow nights meeting due to family
obligations, see you next month, and keep the faith.

--- On Tue, 7/5/11, Dan Stafford cell <> wrote:

From: Dan Stafford cell <>
Subject: [PDI] How Obama Can Kill The Debt-Default Stand-Off
Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011, 7:59 PM


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Tuesday, July 05, 2011

[PDI] How Obama Can Kill The Debt-Default Stand-Off


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[PDI] Under Private-Market System, The Entire Domestic Economy Could Be Taken By Health Care By 2050 - Only Universal Care Can Prevent This


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[PDI] FW: Movement to Abolish Corporate Personhood Gaining Traction


-----Original Message-----
From: Move to Amend <>
Sent: July 05, 2011 2:08 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: Movement to Abolish Corporate Personhood Gaining Traction

Dear friends,
We hope you had a great independence day!
➤ EXCITING NEWS: On Friday we had an article published on Common Dreams, titled "Movement to Abolish Corporate Personhood Gaining Traction." Our piece quickly climbed to the "most popular" article on the site, and it remains there as of today!

As a result traffic to our web site over the weekend was a bit overwhelming, and we apologize for the slow speed caused by so many viewers. But the good news is that we gained 5,000+ new signatures for our petition (welcome new folks!) as the article was shared and re-posted widely across the internet and the blogosphere.
Please help us keep the momentum by sharing the article with your friends and allies, and posting it to your Facebook, Twitter and blogs.

➤ Thanks to everyone who participated in educational events over the weekend to help our communities "Declare Our Independence from Corporate Rule."  

 Check out this video from our friends at Democracy Unlimited (Humboldt Move to Amend)!
Their "Story of Corporate Personhood" skit was performed at a street festival in Arcata, CA yesterday. We've added a page on our website where you can download the script and instructions to perform this fun skit in your community too.
And don't forget to send us pictures and video from your actions and events yesterday!

➤ Remember that TODAY - Tuesday, July 5th at 4pm Pacific / 5pm Mountain / 6pm Central / 7pm Eastern is our monthly Take Action Webinar!
This month we're covering Nuts and Bolts Organizing Tips for an Effective Move to Amend Group. Click here to register.

We continue to gain momentum with each passing day - thanks for your support and participation!
Yours for democracy,
Ben Manski, Bruce Dixon, David Cobb, George Friday, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Matt Nelson & Nancy Price
Move to Amend Executive Committee

PS - If you support Move to Amend, please get involved! Join or start an Affiliate Group in your hometown or make a donation today!

Move to Amend
P.O. Box 260217
Madison, WI 53726-0217
United States
End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy. Move to Amend.
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