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From: "ACLU of Illinois" <acluofillinois@aclu-il.org>
Date: Feb 29, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: You are not alone
To: <aquarianm@gmail.com>
*Tell your legislators: Not in Illinois!* View
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Action Alert *Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself*
You're not crazy
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Stop the attacks on women's health care!
*CALL NOW* <http://il.aclu.org/site/R?i=lcBmhqbjeSoD4Uk931sCbQ>
Dear Daniel,
Despite the fact that only one in three Illinoisans approve of requiring
all doctors to offer their patients seeking an abortion a
ultrasound*, last week the House Agriculture Committee decided to send a
bill containing this mandate to the House floor for a vote.
*Take action: Call Rep. Sandra Pihos(217) 782-8037 and urge a no vote on
attacks against women's
The bill, which could be considered by the full Illinois House at any time,
creates a *state mandate that physicians offer a medically-unnecessary
ultrasound to all patients seeking an abortion*. A woman who does not
undergo the medically-unnecessary procedure must decline the physician's
mandated offer in writing and her physician must notify the Illinois
Department of Public Health.
At a hearing in Springfield last week, House Bill 4085 sponsor
Representative Joseph Lyons told the Illinois House Agricultural and
Conservation Committee that the bill was *not about "women's health."* He
acknowledged that the real "purpose" of the bill was to limit abortions in
the State of Illinois.
According to an ACLU poll, nearly 3 in 4 Illinoisans also agree that the
Agriculture Committee was an inappropriate venue to hear this bill.
Nevertheless, *the ultrasound bill was heard and passed out of the
Agriculture Committee, along with another that will close down women's
health clinics* including centers owned and operated by Planned Parenthood
and reduce medical services for women provided at physicians' offices
across the State of Illinois.
*Call Rep. Sandra Pihos(217) 782-8037 and oppose these attempts to shut
down women's health care in
[image: Colleen Connell]
[image: signature]
Colleen Connell
Executive Director
ACLU of Illinois <http://il.aclu.org/site/R?i=lUBa_N80-LEcnAkpB2urlQ>
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