Wednesday, February 29, 2012

[PDI] You are not alone

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "ACLU of Illinois" <>
Date: Feb 29, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: You are not alone
To: <>

*Tell your legislators: Not in Illinois!* View
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ACLU of IL] <>
Action Alert *Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself*
You're not crazy

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Stop the attacks on women's health care!

Dear Daniel,

Despite the fact that only one in three Illinoisans approve of requiring
all doctors to offer their patients seeking an abortion a
ultrasound*, last week the House Agriculture Committee decided to send a
bill containing this mandate to the House floor for a vote.

*Take action: Call Rep. Sandra Pihos(217) 782-8037 and urge a no vote on
attacks against women's

The bill, which could be considered by the full Illinois House at any time,
creates a *state mandate that physicians offer a medically-unnecessary
ultrasound to all patients seeking an abortion*. A woman who does not
undergo the medically-unnecessary procedure must decline the physician's
mandated offer in writing and her physician must notify the Illinois
Department of Public Health.

At a hearing in Springfield last week, House Bill 4085 sponsor
Representative Joseph Lyons told the Illinois House Agricultural and
Conservation Committee that the bill was *not about "women's health."* He
acknowledged that the real "purpose" of the bill was to limit abortions in
the State of Illinois.

According to an ACLU poll, nearly 3 in 4 Illinoisans also agree that the
Agriculture Committee was an inappropriate venue to hear this bill.
Nevertheless, *the ultrasound bill was heard and passed out of the
Agriculture Committee, along with another that will close down women's
health clinics* including centers owned and operated by Planned Parenthood
and reduce medical services for women provided at physicians' offices
across the State of Illinois.

*Call Rep. Sandra Pihos(217) 782-8037 and oppose these attempts to shut
down women's health care in

[image: Colleen Connell]
[image: signature]
Colleen Connell
Executive Director
ACLU of Illinois <>
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

[PDI] Fwd: SPECIAL REPORT: Secret docs reveal DHS lied about tracking Americans on social media

I'm not at all surprised. Jerks given the power to abuse people and systems
are jerks who will abuse people and systems.

I wonder if any of the public reaction they saw to policy proposals got
them to back off. Somehow I doubt it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Raw Story Breaking News" <>
Date: Feb 23, 2012 4:52 PM
Subject: SPECIAL REPORT: Secret docs reveal DHS lied about tracking
Americans on social media
To: <>

Secret documents reveal Department of Homeland Security lied about tracking
Americans on social media


One of the nation's leading electronic privacy groups claimed this week
that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) misled members of Congress
during a recent hearing on whether the Department is paying a defense
contractor $11.4 million to keep tabs on protected free speech and dissent
against government policies on the Internet.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), which triggered the
hearing by publishing a trove of secret government documents in January,
told Raw Story on Thursday that a second round of documents they've
obtained directly contradicts testimony given on Feb. 16, showing that the
DHS instructed their analysts to do exactly what the Department denied.

"There were several exchanges that they had with members of Congress in
which they sort of distanced themselves from the idea — that they weren't
engaging in this monitoring of public reaction to government proposals,"
McCall told Raw Story. "But that's… Well, it's not true, according to the
documents we obtained."

Read the rest of the story here----->

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UPDATE: Recall Scott Walker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Wisconsin Dem Chair Mike Tate" <>
Date: Feb 23, 2012 7:01 AM
Subject: UPDATE: Recall Scott Walker
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Wisconsin solidarity

Defeat Scott Walker & the Koch Brothers in Wisconsin. Donate $4 to recall Governor Scott Walker!


This is Mike Tate, chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party.

First, I just want to thank the thousands of PCCC members who chipped in nearly $50,000 this past week toward our goal of recalling Gov. Scott Walker. This makes a huge difference.

I also wanted to make sure you saw this quote from one of the billionaire Koch brothers, which appeared this week in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

"We're helping him, as we should," Koch says of Walker. "We've gotten pretty good at this over the years. We've spent a lot of money in Wisconsin. We're going to spend more."

Will you help us defeat Scott Walker and the Koch brothers in Wisconsin by making a grassroots donation of $4 to our Recall Walker campaign today?

The Koch brothers have already flooded the state with TV ads in recent weeks.

And they are planning an avalanche of dirty tricks right out of Karl Rove's playbook. In last year's recall elections, they ran fake candidates in primaries, sent mail to progressive voters with the wrong election date, and spent millions on false TV ads to try and buy the election.

Just the other day, leaked documents revealed they plan to set up "shadow blogs" to attack teachers, public schools, and grassroots activists like you.

Republicans and their billionaire funders have declared war on working families. Working with groups like the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, we are fighting back.

Please donate $4 so we can re-open all of our field offices across Wisconsin and organize over 35,000 grassroots volunteers to contact voters in their communities.

The PCCC's help in 2011 was pivotal to our efforts to successfully recall Republican senators from office. With your continued support, we'll be able to defeat Scott Walker and David Koch in Wisconsin in 2012.

Thank you,

Mike Tate
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Want to support our work? PCCC's Draft Warren campaign was named The Nation's "Most Valuable Campaign of 2011"! And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in $3 here.

Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.

[PDI] Fwd: UPDATE: Recall Scott Walker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Wisconsin Dem Chair Mike Tate" <>
Date: Feb 23, 2012 7:01 AM
Subject: UPDATE: Recall Scott Walker
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>

[image: Progressive Change Campaign

[image: Wisconsin

*Defeat Scott Walker & the Koch Brothers in Wisconsin. *Donate $4 to recall
Governor Scott Walker!<>


This is Mike Tate, chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party.

First, I just want to thank the thousands of PCCC members who chipped in
nearly $50,000 this past week toward our goal of recalling Gov. Scott
Walker. This makes a huge difference.

I also wanted to make sure you saw this quote from one of the billionaire
Koch brothers, which appeared this week in the *Milwaukee Journal Sentinel*:

*"We're helping him, as we should," Koch says of Walker. "We've gotten
pretty good at this over the years. We've spent a lot of money in
Wisconsin. We're going to spend more*."

Will you help us defeat Scott Walker and the Koch brothers in Wisconsin by
making a grassroots donation of $4 to our Recall Walker campaign

The Koch brothers have already flooded the state with TV ads in recent

And they are planning an avalanche of dirty tricks right out of Karl Rove's
playbook. In last year's recall elections, they ran fake candidates in
primaries, sent mail to progressive voters with the wrong election date,
and spent millions on false TV ads to try and buy the election.

Just the other day, leaked documents revealed they plan to set up "shadow
blogs" to attack teachers, public schools, and grassroots activists like

*Republicans and their billionaire funders have declared war on working
families. Working with groups like the Progressive Change Campaign
Committee, we are fighting back.*

Please donate $4 so we can re-open all of our field offices across
Wisconsin and organize over 35,000 grassroots volunteers to contact voters
in their communities.<>

The PCCC's help in 2011 was pivotal to our efforts to successfully recall
Republican senators from office. With your continued support, we'll be able
to defeat Scott Walker and David Koch in Wisconsin in 2012.

Thank you,

Mike Tate
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

*Want to support our work?* PCCC's Draft Warren campaign was named The
Nation's "Most Valuable Campaign of 2011"! And our tiny staff ensures that
small contributions go a long way. Chip in $3 here. <>
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (<>)
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions
to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal
income tax purposes.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[PDI] Fwd: New Webinar: Community Engagement From Day One

Is anyone able to sit in on this? I'll be tied up.



----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Prometheus Radio Project" <>
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>
Subject: New Webinar: Community Engagement From Day One
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2012 3:23 pm

Join Prometheus tomorrow night at 7pm EST for this free training
webinar offered to current and future community radio stations.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FROM DAY ONE _"Community radio is 90% about
community and 10% about radio." - Zane Ibrahim of Bush Radio in South
Africa_ To build a truly participatory station, community
engagement begins long before your station is on the air. On this
webinar, we share ideas for engaging your community from the very
start. Ann Alquist, Director of Radio Engagement at the National
Center for Media Engagement will offer concrete tips on finding good
community partners, keeping track of contacts, and developing
responsive programming. She will explain the difference between
"one-way" station outreach and "two-way" community engagement (and why
you should do both!). Dharma Dailey, Kaya Weidman, and Sara Kendall
will discuss the community engagement strategy at WGXC Hands-on Radio
in Hudson, New York, now celebrating its first anniversary. They will
share the questions that shaped their station-building process: How do
we develop and convey our vision even before we're on the air? How do
we create a sense of community ownership and investment from the very
start? How can we get businesses to support us? WGXC organizers will
also describe their Radio Council model, creating a station that is
not only informed by the community, but accountable to that community
as well. Brandy Doyle of the Prometheus Radio Project will moderate
and take your questions. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2012 7PM-8:30PM
EST Register here [1] or check out our other webinars here.
P.O. Box 42158
Philadelphia, PA 19101
United States
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[PDI] Fwd: Submit your workshop proposals for the AMC Radio Track!! Deadline is March 14th...




----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Jeff Rousset" <>
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>
Subject: Submit your workshop proposals for the AMC Radio Track!! Deadline is March 14th...
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 1:03 pm

Hi Radioheads,

It's that time of the year! Prometheus Radio Project is helping
to coordinate Occupy the Airwaves! the Community Radio Track [1] at
the 14th annual Allied Media Conference [2] in Detroit June 28 - July
1st. We are calling for groups to submit session proposals by March

We're looking for people to conduct workshops on:
* Youth radio
* Radio as an organizing tool
* Audio production
* Starting a podcast or online radio station
* Running a community radio station
* Applying for a low power FM radio license
* Growing your audience
* Audio storytelling

Let us know if you have other suggestions for workshops. Read the
AMC2012 session proposals FAQs [3] and then submit your proposal at
AMPTalk [4].

We encourage AMC first timers to get involved as a track
co-coordinator or workshop presenter. We hope to diversify this track
with representation from different communities and social movements.
Please forward to others who may be interested!

Also let us know if you would like to co-coordinate the radio track
or help run the AMC radio station during the conference.


Please email [5] to plug in or learn
more. Thank you!

The AMC Community Radio Track Coordinators
Jeff Rousset
National Organizer
Prometheus Radio Project
office: 215.727.9620 ext. 504 [6]

"Community radio is 90% about community and 10% about radio."
- Zane Ibrahim of Bush Radio in South Africa

P.O. Box 42158
Philadelphia, PA 19101
United States
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[PDI] Fwd: ALERT: Supreme Court May Revisit "Citizens United" | Flash Rally Thurs. 2/23 12 noon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Eric Byler" <>
Date: Feb 21, 2012 6:07 AM
Subject: ALERT: Supreme Court May Revisit "Citizens United" | Flash Rally
Thurs. 2/23 12 noon
To: "Dan Stafford" <>



Dear Dan,

In light of the Montana
could lead to a reconsideration of *Citizens United,* a "flash rally" is
being planned at the US Supreme Court at 12 noon on Thursday Feb. 23. For
this initiative, we've joined forces with *Free Speech for People* and *Common
Cause*, and we'd love for you to add your voice as part of a national


*Add your voice to*
*on "Citizens United"*

*Thurs. Feb. 23 • 12 noon*
*US Supreme Court*

*What's your opinion of the "Citizens United" decision and the impact of
unlimited, undisclosed election spending on our Republic? How do you feel
about the Montana case before the Supreme Court that could cause them to
reconsider the "Super-Pac Decree?"*

the case.
get involved in actions near you as part of a national campaign.

Please use your social network to let others know, not just about the flash
rally, but also about the incredible opportunity We the People have over
the next few months to score a major victory in the fight against money in

Last month we fought PIPA/SOPA with a coalition of voices that transformed
the very idea of what is possible for the People. Together, we can kick off
this action with a bang on Thursday, and make sure our voices are heard.

Thanks for all you do,

President, Coffee Party USA

P.S. Show your support for Coffee Party USA by joining the "Class of 2012."
Click here to signup<>before
Feb. 29.

Visit us:<>
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Monday, February 20, 2012

[PDI] Fwd: Translators and Rule Makings, Oh My

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Prometheus Radio Project" <>
Date: Feb 20, 2012 9:23 PM
Subject: Translators and Rule Makings, Oh My
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>



Any day now, we expect to hear from the FCC on two major policy issues
that are the result of years of work by Prometheus Radio Project and
supporters like you. The FCC will be releasing its final rules to preserve
channels for community radio in urban areas, as well as new proposed rules
that will shape the future of the Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service. Once
those new rules are complete later this year, the FCC will be ready to
announce an application filing window, when groups can apply for new
stations at last.

We are not idle while we wait. Prometheus and our allies have
created a network
of support <#1359def22fbda53f_up> to ensure that community groups are well
prepared to take advantage of the momentous opportunity ahead. We are
organizing support teams of volunteer lawyers, engineers, and people like
you. Please help us to keep our work

Inside this issue:

- Building a Network, One Group at a Time <#1359def22fbda53f_up>

Welcome New Staff <#1359def22fbda53f_story+2>

Social Networking is for Radio Stations, Too! <#1359def22fbda53f_social>

Station Profile - KDGS <#1359def22fbda53f_profile>

Building a Network, One Group at a Time

Imagine what you could do with a radio station. Now imagine what we can do
with one thousand radio stations!

*"We have an uprecedented opportunity to support our more than 800,000
members through the process of starting radio stations all over the
country," *said ColorOfChange Executive Director Rashad Robinson.* "Our
partnership with Prometheus will allow us to broadcast our messages to an
even broader audience and mobilize our communities to action."*

We are seeking partners to help local groups get ready and apply for
licenses. These "anchor partners" will provide regular hand-holding support
for applicants in your region or area of interest. We will suggest groups
based on your interests (LGBT centers, groups in South Florida, for
example) and/or you can recruit groups. We will provide all the materials
you would need and ongoing training and support to you. Read
. .

*Welcome New Staff

*Meet Ana Martina*

Ana Martina joined the Prometheus staff in January as the Technical and
Training Coordinator. She was born in Mexico City and her passion is the
promotion of independent media for social justice. She participated in
technical and training support in community radio stations in Mexico,
Central America and the US. In 2003, in conjunction with the Beehive
launched a media caravan all over across Central America documenting the
affectations of NAFTA and Plan Puebla Panama.

. .

*Meet Tim Cravens*

Tim Cravens joined Prometheus Radio Project on February 1, 2012, as the
Development and Communications Associate. He has experience working for a
number of non-profit organizations, most recently serving as the Gift
Planning Manger for the American Friends Service Committee. He enjoys
finding ways to help people find ways to express their passion for their
principles by determining the best ways to give to organizations that live
out those principles in practical ways. He looks forward to helping to
increase support for the great work that Prometheus does.

. .

*Maximize Your Station's Reach with Social Media *
Why would a radio station need social media? There are more than 800
million active Facebook users globally. In less than 8 years, the
ubiquitous website and mobile application has become an integral source of
communication for millions around the world. Social movements have
flourished due to the benefits this kind of technology allows in
communications infrastructure, as evidenced in the recent spur of protests
continuing to emerge around the world. In sum, FB has revolutionized the
way we communicate.

More than 50% of FB users log into their account at least once a day and
that number is steadily increasing as more people gain mobile wireless
access. Users have also moved from communicating with just friends and
family to also interacting with organizations, businesses, communities and
a variety of other "fan" pages. This makes community radio stations prime
users for Facebook. With a fan page, stations can increase access to
programming and dialog with staff and supporters.

. .

*Station Profile: KDGZ 98.3 FM

KDGZ-LP, run out of Townsend, Montana's Broadwater High school, is
integral to the school and the surrounding community. Townsend is very
sports-oriented, but because students often travel hundreds of miles for
sports, it's hard for parents to make it to away games. Volunteers help by
broadcasting them live. KDGZ also broadcasts information about community
events, like the county fair and Oktoberfest. One year, elementary school
students wrote holiday-themed poems. Broadwater's Radio Broadcasting class
recorded them, and soon their little voices were on the air. "It was a
hoot!" says Mia Whitfield, station manager.
. .

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*Thank You Donors!*

The following people contributed to Prometheus between 1/1/12 and 2/6/12.

Val Barnes

Mark Beauchamp

C. H. Browner

Lila Cornell

Kirsten Flagg

Dan Hajdo

Rob McConnell

Nan Rubin

Matthew Schacht

Peter Shaw

Gene Weinstein

Holmes Wilson

Goodrich Quality Theaters

Please tell us if we have inadvertently overlooked your donation.

*Prometheus Radio Project*
P.O. Box 42158
Philadelphia, PA 19101
United States

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Friday, February 17, 2012

[PDI] FW: Recall Scott Walker


-----Original Message-----
From: Wisconsin Sen. Chris Larson <>
Sent: February 17, 2012 10:24 AM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: Recall Scott Walker

Continue the Wisconsin solidarity. Chip in $4 to recall Gov. Scott Walker.
This is Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson, one of the "Wisconsin 14." One year ago today, we left the state to stop Governor Scott Walker from turning his war on workers into law.
The weeks we spent away from our family and friends empowered a movement back home -- with people all across Wisconsin standing up for workers.
With the help of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and many others, we turned anger into accountability. We won two victories in the August recall elections, turning the Wisconsin 14 into the Wisconsin 16! And we took away Governor Walker's working majority in the Senate, massively slowing down his ability to hurt our state and our nation.
Today, I'm asking you to help us finish the job. 
Please chip in $4, or whatever you can afford, to the Wisconsin Democratic Party's efforts to recall Governor Scott Walker.
We've already collected over 1 million signatures to recall Governor Walker from office, shocking the political world. But right now, the billionaire Koch Brothers are flooding our state with pro-Walker TV ads. We need the 99% to stand with us to fight back.
Can you chip in $4 to help us recall Gov. Scott Walker from office? Click here.
What happens here in Wisconsin has ripple effects throughout the nation. When Governor Walker bashed unions, that was quickly followed by Republican governors in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and other states. 
The Wisconsin recall victories added momentum in Ohio, where voters overturned a devastating anti-union law. And in Arizona, where voters recalled an anti-immigrant leader from office. It was also a precursor to Occupy Wall Street.
Recalling Scott Walker is the next chapter. The recall election will happen mid-year, just in time to have ripple effects on the 2012 elections.
Please help us win this fight. Donate $4 today.
Senator Chris Larson, Wisconsin's 7th District (
Like the PCCC on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Want to support our work? PCCC's Draft Warren campaign was named The Nation's "Most Valuable Campaign of 2011" and Politico called us "The Energizer Bunny of the Left"! And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in $3 here.
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

[PDI] FW: How Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP


-----Original Message-----
From: Raw Story Top Stories <>
Sent: February 16, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: How Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP

Email not displaying correctly? [1]View it in your browser.

^ Top Stories for February 16, 2012



› [2]How Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP

› [3]Maddow wonders whether Maine GOP 'rigged' caucuses

› [4]Anti-abortion 'personhood' bill clears Oklahoma senate

› [5]Dems walk out of House GOP's contraception hearing

› [6]Bill Maher: Santorum believes 'life begins at erection'

› [7]Olbermann slams Breitbart and anti-Occupy 'propagandists' for
'exploiting rape victims'

› [8]Foreclosure crisis hits Beverly Hills mansions

› [9]Westboro Baptist Church to picket Whitney Houston's funeral

› [10]Man has heart attack while eating 'Triple Bypass Burger'

Jon Stewart: STOCK Act is the 'No Sh*t Sherlock Act' (includes epic Lieberman

The Daily Show host Jon Stewart on Wednesday turned his attention to the
Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act, or STOCK Act. The legislation
that prohibits lawmakers and their staff from trading stocks based on
information they learn during congressional briefings and related work,
closing a loophole that allowed them to violate laws that applied to all
other Americans. [11]Read more ›


Letterman on Romney: Putting dog on car roof 'not a good idea'

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart explained to CBS host David Letterman on
Wednesday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's problem was
that at close examination, he was just "pixels" instead of a real person.
[13]Read more ›


Check out all of our
Occupy Wall Street
coverage [14]here ›

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

[PDI] FW: Something's fishy


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Schlosser and Gary Hirshberg <>
Sent: February 15, 2012 2:44 PM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: Something's fishy

Below is an email from Eric Schlosser, the author of Fast Food Nation, and Gary Hirshberg, chairman of Stonyfield Farm. Eric and Gary created a petition on that is getting a lot of attention. If you have concerns or feedback about this petition, click here.
Dear MoveOn member,
The FDA is on the brink of approving genetically engineered salmon for human consumption. This would be the first genetically engineered animal on supermarket shelves in the United States.
The salmon is engineered to produce growth hormones year-round that cause the fish to grow at twice the normal rate. The government already requires labels to tell us if fish is wild-caught or farm-raised—don't we also have a right to know if our salmon is genetically engineered? Without labels, we'll never know.
More than forty countries, including Russia and China, already require labels on genetically engineered foods. As Americans, we firmly believe that we deserve the same right to know what we are eating.
That's why I created a petition to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on, which says:
Commissioner Hamburg, we urge the FDA to require the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. We have a right to know about the food we eat and what we feed our families, but under current FDA regulations, we don't have that ability when it comes to genetically engineered foods.
Polls show that more than 90% of Americans support mandatory labeling. Such near-unanimity in public opinion is rare. Please listen to the American public and mandate labeling of genetically engineered foods.
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
–Eric Schlosser and Gary Hirshberg
The text above was written by Eric Schlosser and Gary Hirshberg, not by MoveOn staff, and MoveOn is not responsible for the content. This email was sent through MoveOn's secure system, and your information has been kept private.
Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
This email was sent to Daniel A. Stafford on February 15, 2012. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[PDI] FW: Update on Sand Mine Next to Starved Rock


-----Original Message-----
From: Tess Wendel, Sierra Club <>
Sent: February 14, 2012 5:29 PM
Subject: Update on Sand Mine Next to Starved Rock

Having trouble receiving our e-mail? Try adding us ( to your Address Book. Here's how.
View a web version of this email.


Update on the Proposed Sand Mine Next to Starved Rock State Park:
Challenging Permits and Looking for Systemic Reform to Protect our State Lands
Illinois Canyon- Photo by Farley Andrews
On January 12, the LaSalle County Board voted to approve an open pit sand mine next to Starved Rock State Park, despite strong opposition from local residents and thousands of comments against the mine from around Illinois (including more than 6000 comments from the Sierra Club's petition) and a request from the Lieutenant Governor to delay the vote.
Now that the project has been given the go-ahead at the county level, Mississippi Sand LLC must have permits approved from the DNR and IEPA for mining, air pollution, and wastewater discharges.
On February 6, the Illinois River Coordinating Council, composed of a diverse group of citizens, not-for-profit organizations, and state and federal agencies, chaired by Lt. Governor Sheila Simon heard pleas from the Sierra Club, Openlands, Prairie Rivers Network, SOARRING, and local residents to oppose the mine. In response, the council passed a resolution to monitor the local, state, and federal permitting process and seek public input at each level.
Act now to protect Starved Rock and Illinois' State lands from harmful pollution!
Mississippi Sand LLC has submited an application for an air permit to the IEPA and the Sierra Club has requested a public hearing in hopes that the public will have the opportunity to voice their concerns about air pollution.
The Sierra Club is concerned about the silica dust produced from the blasting and processing of the sandstone, which has been classified as a human lung carcinogen, causing silicosis. The dust contains particles that are so small they can't be seen with the naked eye, and so light-weight they can stay in the air for a long time and travel long distances. This is a hazard not only for mine workers but could affect nearby homeowners and the millions of visitors who hike in the canyons at Starved Rock.
Sign our petition to IDNR and IEPA to protect Starved Rock! Take Action Today!
Mississippi Sand plans to apply for an aggregate mining permit from the DNR in the next couple weeks and will also have to apply for a wastewater discharge permit (NDPES permit) from the IEPA. Wastewater discharges will flow from a tributary on the mine site into Horseshoe Creek and through the park. If sediment-laden water comes from the mine site it can clog fish gills, smother eggs and larvae; sediments settling on the bottom of creeks disrupt the natural riffle-run-pool underwater geography that aquatic animals need. 
The proposed mine has also highlighted the need for systemic reform regarding protection of state-owned public lands, specifically the need to develop a process by which DNR can fulfill its role as a permiting agency for mining activities while at the same time being able to speak up as a property owner to protect state lands. 
Please sign this new petition we will share with IDNR and IEPA who will need to grant permits to Mississippi Sand for the sand mine to proceed. This petition also calls for regulatory reform so IDNR will stand up as the guardian of our state lands.
You are receiving this message because you signed our earlier petition to the LaSalle County Board or the one we had at Bald Eagle Days.  
Citizens of LaSalle County who oppose this mine should also contact their County Board members demanding that the County request DNR hold a public hearing on Mississippi Sand's permit application for aggregate mining.
P.S. Share this link with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!:

Sierra Club Illinois Chapter | 70 East Lake Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60601 | P: (312) 251-1680

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[PDI] Sunday Feb. 19, 2 to 5pm AMI Chapter Meeting: Screening and discussion of Money As Debt documentary


Topic: Money As Debt
What: AMI Chicago Chapter Meeting
When: 2 to 5pm, Sunday, February 19, 2012
Where: MultiKulti, 4th floor, 1000 N. Milwaukee (ring buzzer)
Who: Steve, Glenn, Geri, Keanu

This month's Chapter meeting of the American Monetary Institute will be
a continuation of last month's discussion. After brief round robin
introductions we will view the documentary Money As Debt which technical
difficulties prevented us from showing at last month's meeting. Steve
and Keanu will lead the discussion following the film. Glenn and Geri
will serve as secretary/time-keepers.

$3 donation to MultiKulti appreciated but not required.

Contact: Geri at 708-460-5683

** Although from a British perspective this interesting 4 minute video
provides a good recap of the problem and solution in 4 minutes:

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Monday, February 13, 2012

[PDI] FW: Defend Freedom: Tomorrow Feb. 14, 10:30


-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Wade <>
Sent: February 13, 2012 8:02 PM
Subject: Defend Freedom: Tomorrow Feb. 14, 10:30

In Illinois it is a felony to audio record police actions.
This means: if a citizen has recorded his own arrest on a cell phone the citizen can be charged with a felony. A conviction carries a four to 15 year prison term.
This is exactly what has happened to Christopher Drew, an artist who was selling his art for $1 on a sidewalk in Chicago.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the Circuit Court of Cook County, 2600 S. California (26th and California) Oral arguments over the constitutionality of the eavesdropping law will be heard.
Help defend our freedoms! Show the court by attending that you will not let this outrageous infringement on the rights of citizens to pass unnoticed and unchallenged. Your presence in the court room can make a difference.
Meet us tomorrow, Feb. 14 at 10:30am in front of room 602 the Circuit Court of Cook County, 2600 S. California (26th and California) Drew and his lawyer will be there.

Hope to see you there,

Nancy Wade

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

[PDI] FW: It began in Wisconsin . . . one year ago, today.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wisconsin Wave <>
Sent: February 11, 2012 12:33 AM
Subject: It began in Wisconsin . . . one year ago, today.

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Dear Daniel,
One year ago, today, Governor Scott Walker unleashed legislation eliminating collective bargaining rights for public workers, cutting funding for education and human services, and giving Wisconsin's public utilities and resources away to his corporate backers. On that day, February 11, 2011, the Wisconsin protest wave began.
The strikes, occupations, sit-ins, and mass rallies of Wisconsin inspired working people everywhere to take control of our common destiny, and to proclaim, "We are all Wisconsinites, now!"
Today, February 11, 2012, at noon, Wisconsinites will rally once again at the now world-famous State Capitol Building to oppose corporatization and austerity, and to demand democracy and shared prosperity for all. The struggle continues intensely here, as it does everywhere around the world. 
 --> If you can get to the State Capitol in Madison by noon today, please join us.

 --> If you are too far away to rally with us, please send us your support and well wishes.
Wisconsinites were not the first to rise up. We saw the students and young people in the streets of Madrid, London, Santiago, and Tunis. We were inspired by them.
But Wisconsin was the first of the United States to rise, and Wisconsin remains at the center of the struggle for the future. Despite the fact that he has been recalled, and that he may soon face criminal prosecution, Walker and his legislature continue their efforts to destroy Wisconsin's public sector and civil society. Walker has raised over $12 million from his corporate backers. 
Beginning today, and continuing all week, the Wisconsin Wave and allied organizations are beginning a new phase of our democracy movement. As so many people across the U.S. have told us, the fate of working people everywhere rises or falls with what happens this year in Wisconsin.
Please contribute to the Wisconsin Wave right now, and help us prepare for the months ahead.
Join us at the State Capitol today at noon.

P.O. Box 260217 | Madison, WI 53726-0217 US
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Friday, February 10, 2012

[PDI] FW: You called out Cantor


-----Original Message-----
From: Robby Mook <>
Sent: February 10, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: You called out Cantor

Daniel --

This is incredible: We've reached 140,023 signatures on our petition calling out Eric Cantor for caving to special interests and softening the STOCK Act, a bill intended to ban insider trading and crack down on corruption.

Hours after a watered down STOCK Act passed the House, news broke that powerful Republican Spencer Bachus, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee will face an ethics investigation over possible insider trading allegations. Bachus is being investigated about whether he received secret briefings on the imminent collapse of the economy in 2008 and then made trades to profit off the economic crisis.

If you haven't signed our petition it's not too late. House and Senate negotiators will be meeting to hammer out a final STOCK Act bill. Make your voice heard and send an unmistakable message to Eric Cantor and Speaker Boehner to demand the toughest ethics reforms and that that people's interests come before the special interests.

Sign the petition right now. If you've already signed the petition, share it on Facebook and Twitter.
Giffords' Aide Launches Special Election Campaign

Thanks for helping Gabrielle Giffords' district director Ron Barber successfully launch his campaign for Congress. He is the ideal candidate to carry on Gabrielle Giffords' legacy of public service and that is why Gabrielle and her husband Mark Kelly endorsed him.

Watch this video of Ron Barber on CNN and help his campaign get off the ground quickly by making a generous contribution.
Washington Post: "In both parties, a sense that Democrats could retake the House"

This week the Washington Post reported that Democrats are closer to winning the House Majority and even Republicans are saying Democrats have put the House in play.

Check out this article on how we can win the House >>

Thanks for your tremendous support. Stayed tuned for all the latest in our "Drive to 25" to win the Majority.

Onward to victory,


Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director
Republican Budget 2.0: Medicare's Revenge
If you thought Medicare was safe from House Republicans, guess again. After the first Republican plan to end Medicare tanked, Republicans are reviving plans to end Medicare in their new budget.

This sequel is sure to be even more frightening. Download a free poster here >>

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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FW: You called out Cantor

From: Robby Mook <>
Sent: February 10, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: You called out Cantor

Daniel --

This is incredible: We've reached 140,023 signatures on our petition calling out Eric Cantor for caving to special interests and softening the STOCK Act, a bill intended to ban insider trading and crack down on corruption.

Hours after a watered down STOCK Act passed the House, news broke that powerful Republican Spencer Bachus, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee will face an ethics investigation over possible insider trading allegations. Bachus is being investigated about whether he received secret briefings on the imminent collapse of the economy in 2008 and then made trades to profit off the economic crisis.

If you haven't signed our petition it's not too late. House and Senate negotiators will be meeting to hammer out a final STOCK Act bill. Make your voice heard and send an unmistakable message to Eric Cantor and Speaker Boehner to demand the toughest ethics reforms and that that people's interests come before the special interests.

Sign the petition right now. If you've already signed the petition, share it on Facebook and Twitter.
Giffords' Aide Launches Special Election Campaign

Thanks for helping Gabrielle Giffords' district director Ron Barber successfully launch his campaign for Congress. He is the ideal candidate to carry on Gabrielle Giffords' legacy of public service and that is why Gabrielle and her husband Mark Kelly endorsed him.

Watch this video of Ron Barber on CNN and help his campaign get off the ground quickly by making a generous contribution.
Washington Post: "In both parties, a sense that Democrats could retake the House"

This week the Washington Post reported that Democrats are closer to winning the House Majority and even Republicans are saying Democrats have put the House in play.

Check out this article on how we can win the House >>

Thanks for your tremendous support. Stayed tuned for all the latest in our "Drive to 25" to win the Majority.

Onward to victory,


Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director
Best of DCCC
Republican Budget 2.0: Medicare's Revenge

If you thought Medicare was safe from House Republicans, guess again. After the first Republican plan to end Medicare tanked, Republicans are reviving plans to end Medicare in their new budget.

This sequel is sure to be even more frightening. Download a free poster here >>

Contribute Now

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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[PDI] FW: Don't let the Senate make bicycling more dangerous for you


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Blumenthal, <>
Sent: February 10, 2012 3:24 PM
To: Daniel Stafford <>
Subject: Don't let the Senate make bicycling more dangerous for you

Dear Daniel,
Federal support for bicycling is in trouble, again. The U.S. House and Senate have released bills that would reverse 20 years of progress toward making bicycling safe and stress-free for all Americans.
The current Senate transportation bill eliminates essential biking and walking programs. To improve the bill, we're asking senators to vote for a bipartisan amendment that guarantees our local governments a voice in transportation decisions, allowing them to build bikeways and sidewalks that keep people safe.
Take action today to help preserve the successful, cost-effective federal investment in biking. Contact your state's two U.S. senators to encourage them to vote for the Cardin-Cochran amendment. (You can find your senators, review basic suggested text for your email, and send your note directly from this link above.) You can read more about the Cardin-Cochran amendment here.
Thank you for speaking up to save bicycling,
Tim Blumenthal
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[PDI] FW: Google, this is pretty evil


-----Original Message-----
From: Jess Kutch, <>
Sent: February 10, 2012 11:10 AM
Subject: Google, this is pretty evil

Google is sponsoring a conference that features white supremacists. Ask Google to denounce the event's hate speech and donate an equal amount to support tolerance and equality.
Dear Daniel,
Google is sponsoring a conference this week that features white supremacists, anti-gay activists, and one group classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "White Nationalist hate group."
One panel at this week's Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC is called "The Failure of Multiculturalism," and it features the founder of a website that's claimed:
Black Americans have lower IQs than whites,
Jews are partly to blame for "weakening America's historic white majority," and
Multiculturalism is a "disease that is killing us."
So why is Google spending at least $20,000 to co-sponsor this event?
Aimee Castenell lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and she knows what it's like to be the target of hate speech. Her parents grew up in the Jim Crow-era South, and they were terrorized by fear, hate, and racism in every part of their lives. Aimee's also a big fan of Google, and she couldn't believe that Google would sponsor an event that tolerates white supremacy and hate speech.
Aimee started a petition on calling on Google to denounce the white supremacist hate speech featured at CPAC, and for the company to donate $20,000 - the sum it donated to CPAC - to causes that advance tolerance and equality.
Click here to sign Aimee's petition to Google now.
When asked why it was sponsoring an event like this, Google replied that it wanted to reach "young people who are savvy about technology," according to Bloomberg News. But some of those young people attending CPAC have also advanced white supremacist ideas. One group, called "Youth for Western Civilization," has even claimed that white people were the victims of apartheid in South Africa.
Aimee wants Google to quickly distance itself from the white supremacists that are attending CPAC. The last thing a major company like Google wants is to be associated with this kind of hate speech -- if enough people sign Aimee's petition, the company will feel the pressure and take action to correct its error in sponsoring this conference.
Click here to sign Aimee's petition asking Google to condemn CPAC's hate speech and donate its sponsorship fee to promote tolerance and equality.
Thanks for being a change-maker,
- Jess and the team
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[PDI] FW: A party in Saint Charles that'll scare Wall Street


-----Original Message-----
From: Pam V. <>
Sent: February 10, 2012 11:53 AM
To: Daniel A. Stafford <>
Subject: A party in Saint Charles that'll scare Wall Street

A 99% Movie Party:
Sunday in Saint Charles

Host: Pam V., MoveOn member

Where: St. Charles (in Saint Charles)

When: Sunday, Feb. 12, at 2:00 PM

Can you come?
Click below for more details and to RSVP:

I can come.

Sorry, I can't make it this time, but keep me updated on the campaign.

What: This Sunday at 2 p.m., I'm hosting a MoveOn movie party to watch the Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job. The film explains how Wall Street destroyed the economy and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and retirements. I'm excited to host because the film will spark more interest and action locally on issues that matter to the 99%. Can you make it on Sunday at 2 p.m. in Saint Charles?

 MoveOn is committed to nonviolence in the long tradition of protest movements throughout our history that have brought America closer to our founding dream—liberty and justice for all. As progressives, we respect all people and do not support or endorse any violence or property destruction.

And don't worry, this email was sent through the MoveOn system, so your personal contact info is kept private.
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Daniel A. Stafford on February 10, 2012. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.------=_NextPart_000_003A_01C20020.B53EF230--
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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

[PDI] FW: Obama Backs Constitutional Amendment


-----Original Message-----
From: RootsAction, Aimee Allison <>
Sent: February 07, 2012 4:23 PM
Subject: Obama Backs Constitutional Amendment

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Corporate and individual election spending is coming to a crisis. Rallies around the country, city councils, and state legislatures are demanding a Constitutional remedy. The Kochs are dumping in $60 million on the Republican side, while President Obama has opened the floodgates for his billionaire backers on his side.

But Obama has now said that he supports a Constitutional Amendment "if necessary — to place reasonable limits on all such spending." 

It is necessary, and the only reasonable limit is a complete ban. The airwaves are public: TV and radio time should be provided free to candidates. Campaigns can be publicly funded, as H.J.Res. 100 provides for. If Obama is serious, he and Congress must advance this agenda in legislation, not just talk.

Let's work hard to make 2012 the year in which corporations are stripped of the legal personhood that makes it legal for them to buy elections and politicians.
Tell your national and state representatives exactly where you stand on corporate personhood and corporate buying of elections. Please forward this email widely.

Aimee, David
and the RootsAction team


FreeSpeechForPeople: New Mexico House Votes for a Constitutional Amendment to Over-rule Citizens United

The Atlantic: The Koch Brothers Pledged $60 Million to Defeat Obama

Obama Campaign: We Will Not Play By Two Sets of Rules
Our small staff is supported by contributions from people like you; your donations are greatly appreciated.

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Sunday, February 05, 2012

[PDI] Trail funding stopped in Congress!



Unfortunately, by a vote of 27 to 29, the first week of February 2012 the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted down the bipartisan Petri/Johnson/Lipinski amendment that would have fixed many of the deficiencies in the House transportation bill, particularly as they relate to the Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School programs. The amendment would have also restored eligibility of rail-trails.
But all is not lost. The many thousands of you who contacted your representatives during the past few days about this amendment made a strong and powerful statement that Americans from all across the country want, need and deserve more trails and walking and bicycling opportunities.
See how your representative voted now. Click here:

Consider contacting your Representatives in the House and Senators about restoring support for the trails and safe roads for everyone! Get their conatct info here:
Thank you again for all of your actions, time and energy!
You are encouraged to pass along this email. Don't forget the all volunteer trails cleanup is Sat. 4/28 rain or shine!

Don Kirchenberg Voluntary Chairman
Friends of the Great Western Trails
Mobile 630-853-7650

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Friday, February 03, 2012

[PDI] Just $7 donation to help Kucinich --- Fwd: Seven to One

Donate if you can and forward. If you don't know why, READ THE NEED ACT!
Thanks, geri p

-------- Original Message --------


Geraldine -

There are just 32 days until Election Day, and voters are already
filling out mail-in ballots to select their next Member of Congress.

Our campaign has had an amazing week, meeting with voters across the
district, opening a new office in Lorain, and standing up for jobs,
workers' rights, peace, and justice. Our field program is in high gear
-- we've got the best grassroots campaign in Ohio.

Help us close the gap.

But we have a lot of work to do too. We're expecting a very competitive
primary and the latest financial figures show our opponent has a 7 to 1
financial advantage over our campaign. You've already helped make a
difference, but I still need your help to close the gap. *Can you use
our new website to get 7 of your friends to each donate $7 (or more!) to
our campaign close the 7 to 1 gap?*

*Click here to create your own personal fundraising page, and invite
your friends to help support us.

I was one of the few who voted against the Patriot Act, have never voted
to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and continue to work to end
them, and oppose any unjust policy that accelerates the movement of
wealth upwards, working instead on progressing our agenda for
prosperity, jobs and peace.

I am optimistic that with supporters like you we can win this race and
continue standing for that agenda. But, right now, I need your help to
get us the resources we need to put up yard signs, print literature, put
ads on radio and tv, and get our message out to every corner of the
district in the next month.

*Can you help right now by creating your own fundraising page and
inviting your friends, family, and neighbors to chip in and keep our
voice in Congress?*

*Click here to use our tools to set-up a fundraising page right now.
There's no obligation -- just see what you're able to do to help our

If each of us reaches out to just 7 friends over the next week and asks
them to contribute, I know we can make a big dent in our financial gap
to help set the groundwork for victory in just over one month.

Thank you for always being with me, especially when it matters most.



P.S. Or you can make a contribution at *

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PO Box 110475 | Cleveland | OH | 44111 | 216-252-9000

Paid for by the Re-Elect Congressman Kucinich Committee

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