Tuesday, March 27, 2012

[PDI] "The Fascists are sure to lose." by Woodie Guthrie


Woody Guthrie's songs and singing are always worth listening too especially for the younger folks that may not know about him and his work. Here is a quick one that you are sure to enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s76mkRRGPZA&feature=endscreen&NR=1 It is on YouTube about "The Fascists are sure to lose."

Let's hope he is right.

Don Kirchenberg
630-853-7650 Mobile
Don't forget the annual all volunteer trail cleanup on Saturday April 28th rain or shine. Get more info here http://www.friendsofthegreatwesterntrails.com/images/2012_cleanup_flyer_with_trails_map_second_page_1_.pdf
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

[PDI] Should we (as Individuals) or a group sign up to lead this April event?

Note that the economy is one of three key areas of focus:


PS: I personally think that this warrants at least some discussion but
If no one responds I will take that as a NO, we don't have time or whatever.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

[PDI] Constitutional Monetary reform for the 99% This Weekend -- Fwd: AMI reforms represented at Left Forum Conference in New York, Saturday March 17, 2011 - 5pm panel: LEGALIZED CRIME.....

Hi all,

Please, please, please forward this info to all and any who might be
able to attend this weekend's "Occupy the System" conference, sponsored
by the Left Forum in NY City.

Check out the monetary reform speakers bios as attached, and for
background see this article and links:

-------- Original Message --------


Please let any of your friends know about this panel - if they will be
in New York this weekend. Steve Walsh, Greg Coleridge, and myself are
speaking on a panel (attached) at the Left Forum conference. 5pm Sat
3-17-12. We will be talking for 50 minutes and then answer questions
for another hour. We will be talking about the history of the Federal
Reserve, debt-money, debt-free money and its history, and HR2990!

Here is the website for Left Forum:


Any chance we have to teach people about this sinister, corrupt system
run by private banks........let's do it!


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Sunday, March 11, 2012

[PDI] Fwd: Fw: [MCM] As Kucinich exits (trounced beyond belief), MSM chortles at his "wackiness" (for, like, believing in the Bill of Rights) (2)


-------- Original Message --------

--- On *Sun, 3/11/12, Mark Crispin Miller
/<markcrispinmiller@gmail.com>/* wrote:

From: Mark Crispin Miller <markcrispinmiller@gmail.com>
Subject: [MCM] As Kucinich exits (trounced beyond belief), MSM
chortles at his "wackiness" (for, like, believing in the Bill of
Rights) (2)
To: newsfromunderground@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, March 11, 2012, 4:17 AM

By *Brad Friedman <http://www.bradblog.com/?author=3>* on 3/9/2012
Kaptur Defeats Kucinich 94% to 4% on 100% Unverifiable E-Vote
Systems in Toledo, OH? <http://www.bradblog.com/?p=9173>
Is that even plausible?...
Earlier today, we highlighted Rachel Maddow's latest report on the
"GOP War on Voting" <http://www.bradblog.com/?p=9172> which, among
many other important things, referenced the ridiculously close
results from Ohio's GOP Presidential Primary last Tuesday as
currently reported, and the fact that there are still a bunch of
untallied votes there even today for some unknown reason. Her point
in noting the slim margin is to underscore the very serious effect
that new Republican voter-suppression laws are likely to have on not
just the Presidential race this year, but also on State and local
races as well.
But one of the items she does not note about Ohio's reported tally,
and which I've been /trying/ to get more information on since
Tuesday night, is some of the actual reported numbers out of the
U.S. House Primary race between progressive Reps. Marcy Kaptur and
Dennis Kucinich. Their Congressional Districts were combined by the
recent Republican redistricting there, so they were forced to face
off in last Tuesday Democratic primary.
Kaptur reportedly won the race, according to the numbers posted on
the Ohio Sec. of State's website
Those results, summarizing the numbers in each of the five districts
which now make up Ohio's new 9th Congressional District, include
these reported results out of Lucas County (Toledo):

Now Toledo is Kaptur's current district, so it might make sense for
her to win a lopsided victory there. Kucinich reportedly won handily
in his own Cuyahoga County district of Cleveland by a 72.5% to 24%
But really? 94% to 3.7% over Kucinich in Lucas County? 22,269 votes
to just 870 votes? Those are /Saddam Hussein-like/ numbers. Are they
even plausible? I've been trying to learn more and would certainly
welcome any input from folks who know the politics in that area of
the state better than I do. If there is a perfectly reasonable
explanation for those results, I'm certainly open to hearing it.
Unfortunately, all Lucas County voters are forced to vote
on 100% unverifiable Diebold touch-screen voting machines on
Election Day. So whatever the numbers /really/ should have been will
ultimately remain unknown, as it's strictly impossible to determine
if even one vote, /ever/ cast on any such voting machine, for /any/
candidate or initiative on /any/ballot, in /any/ election, has
/ever/ been recorded accurately as per /any/ voter's intent.
Some 20 to 30% of voters across the nation will still be forced ---
shamefully, even after all that we now know about these oft-failed,
easily-hacked machines --- to cast their ballots on the very same
and other similarly 100% unverifiable voting systems on Election Day
during the 2012 Presidential Election.
You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin
Miller's "News From Underground" newsgroup. If you'd like to donate
to News From Underground, please visit
http://markcrispinmiller.com/donate - we appreciate your ongoing

Ways to unsubscribe, 1) send a blank email to
newsfromunderground+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. PLEASE NOTE: you
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For more News From Underground, visit http://markcrispinmiller.com

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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

[PDI] You're invited - Making Sense of the Diet Wars Presentation Saturday March 10, 9:30am

Please come, and bring a friend.

WHAT: Making Sense of the Diet Wars ("Nourishing foods" lunch potluck
following presentation)
WHO: Geraldine Perry
WHEN: Saturday March 10 at 9:30 am
WHERE: Evangelical Covenant Church of Elgin, directions


What does it take to optimize health, nourish (not just feed) the world,
and save local economies and the environment? Unfortunately not what
most of us assume or have been led to believe.

This presentation will arm you with the kind of historical and
scientific information you need in order to wend your way through the
multiplying minefields of the Diet Wars which daily compete for our
attention and our pocketbooks. Topics include the many environmental and
health problems associated with grains, as well as the reasons why
strict plant-based diets and low fat diets not only ignore the basic
biological principles of human health but also come with a long list of
tragic and terrifying consequences, some not recognized until it is too

Of course, any discussion of diet must also take into account the
undeniable relationship between human health and soil health, itself a
key barometer of planetary health. Join us to discover the universal
requirements of human health, as these apply to and obey the laws of Nature.

$3 donation to Traditional Nutrition appreciated, not required.

NB: "Nourishing foods" potluck following presentation. If you'd like to
contribute to the potluck and need ideas see:

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Thursday, March 01, 2012

[PDI] Scientists Create Anti-First Ammendment Gun That Secretly Impairs Ability To Speak


Scientists have developed an audio weapon that can render an orator unable
to speak from over 34 meters away without anyone else around being able to
tell what's going on.

I forsee a rash of orators lip-synching pre-canned speeches, but
spontaneous speech at protests could be in serious trouble.

Good God, what next?

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[PDI] Fwd: 4 days to save our free media




----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Jamie Choi - Avaaz.org" <avaaz@avaaz.org>
To: "aquarianm@gmail.com" <aquarianm@gmail.com>
Subject: 4 days to save our free media
Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2012 2:55 pm

Dear friends across the United States,

In 4 days, the Federal Communications Commission could begin to lift a 35-year-old ban preventing corporate thugs like Rupert Murdoch from creating media monopolies. But if we can flood their public consultation now we could throw our drowning independent media the life buoy it needs.

The ban stops any company from owning a major daily newspaper and a television station in the same market. If lifted, the new rule would pave the way for media moguls to gobble-up local, independent media from New York to Sacramento. This plan was put together secretly but we can stop it -- the courts want the FCC to address public concerns via a comment period ending March 5th.

Let's inundate the FCC with thousands of public comments to say nobody should be allowed to monopolize our print and broadcast media. Sign now to stop this sneak-attack on free media:

<a href="http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_media_barons//?cl=1629975650&amp;v=12974" >http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_media_barons//?vl</a>

We take pride in America's diversity, yet 6 giant corporations control more than half of what we watch and read everyday -- down from 50 companies four decades ago. The perils of media consolidation are already on clear display. Local newsrooms are closing, investigative journalism is collapsing and diverse viewpoints are shrinking from our airwaves.

Lifting the ban on TV-newspaper dual ownership would give media empires like GE and News Corp the final greenlight to toast their competition from coast to coast. This is not the first time they've tried - the FCC tried to pass nearly identical rules in 2007, which was thwarted only after massive public outcry got the courts to rule against it. But this time they're in it to win it, and free media advocates tell us that public opposition is the only way to break the deal.

The FCC was created to protect the public voice, not drown it. We have just 4 days to be heard. Let's shower the FCC with thousands of public comments -- they're required by law to respond to every single one of them -- and shine the people power needed to kill this poisonous rule:

<a href="http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_media_barons//?cl=1629975650&amp;v=12974" >http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_media_barons//?vl</a>

Any thriving democracy gives its citizens the fundamental right to choose between truly diverse sources of media. Last year, Avaazers in the UK helped stop Murdoch's consolidation through a huge public outcry. Let's unite here in this key election year and protect our democracy from Murdoch and other media barons once and for all.

With hope and determination,

Jamie, Brant, Emma, Ricken, Paul, Michael and the rest of the Avaaz team


Editorial: The FCC recycles a bad idea to allow media consolidation (Seattle Times) :

FCC Seeks to ease media ownership rule (New York Times):

FCC proposes relaxing newspaper-TV ownership rules (Los Angeles Times) :

FCC plan points to consolidation (Newsmax):
http://www.newsmax.com/Markets/FCC-Ownership-Rules-consolidation/2011/12/23/id/422023 This message was sent to aquarianm@gmail.com. To change your email address, language, or other information, contact us here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/contact/?footer

Want to leave this list? Send a message to unsubscribe@avaaz.org, or click here: https://secure.avaaz.org/act/?r=unsub&amp;cl=1629975650&amp;email=aquarianm@gmail.com&amp;b=1731&amp;v=12974&amp;lang=enTo contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us via the form at http://www.avaaz.org/en/contact. You can also call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).


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