Sunday, May 01, 2011

Re: [PDI] Call your Illinois Rep to oppose Illinois SB7

Hey Everybody,

The time is past due. We need new Democratic leadership in the General Assembly. I'm tired of these damned DINO's, these corporate toadies. The fight in Wisconsin was with the Repubs, here it's with our "own" Democrats. We need to occupy the Capitol Building and show our state pols that we won't stand for this. Karl

-----Original Message-----
From: Geraldine Perry <>
To: Karl-Heinz Gabbey <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 28, 2011 2:40 pm
Subject: [PDI] Call your Illinois Rep to oppose Illinois SB7

Hi all,

The following is a request made by a retired college prof and Chicago activist, asking us to call our Illinois Reps to oppose SB7.

SB7 involves bargaining rights of Illinois teachers and was developed by the IEA, IFT, and CTU together with other "stakeholders": . Here is how a "grassroots" group describes the benefits of SB7:

AND this is from the aforementioned Chicago teacher/activist, describing what SB7 REALLY does to the CTU in particular (and Illinois teachers by extension) and ends with his conclusion as to why SB7 needs to be opposed:

1. Restricts the right to strike to almost impossible conditions (75% of the entire bargaining unit membership must vote yes + 6 months delay).
Handcuffs the CTU just when members face closings and charter replacements, an announced $700,000,000 budget deficit with huge layoffs threatened, and upcoming contract negotiations. Poses a threat of similar legislation to all unions in Illinois.

2. Imposes increased workload for teachers (and students) without a prior agreement with the Union. Added workload without compensation guaranteed. No ability to negotiate an educationally-sound implementation that is student-friendly. Poses a threat of similarly-imposed unpaid workloads for all public sector workers.

3. Excludes Chicago CTU bargaining unit members from the hiring rights of laid- off members which apply to every other teacher union across Illinois. Again, this exception opens the door to extending it against all other teacher and public sector union workers.
4. Excludes CTU from I.E.L.R.A. (IL Educational Labor Relations Act) means eliminating members rights to file and seek relief from Unfair Labor Practices. This would be like taking away a person's right to file a lawsuit when damaged. Again. this sets a precedent directly aimed at all educational workers across the state.
While I originally proposed the first three in my motion to Monday's CORE meeting, I'm coming to think that opposing SB7 is needed since there's not one good thing to salvage. As you can see, the basis exists to reach out to other teachers outside of Chicago, their locals, and other public and even private- sector workers/unions. The specifics aimed at CTU members in SB7 are bullets that can be aimed at them. That's the basis for solidarity-shared interests. An injury to one IS an injury to all.
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