Saturday, June 16, 2012

[PDI] Tell Gov. Quinn: Veto the $3 billion coal boondoggle

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From: "Josh Nelson, CREDO Action" <>
Date: Jun 16, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Tell Gov. Quinn: Veto the $3 billion coal boondoggle
To: "Daniel A. Stafford" <>

[image: Tell Gov. Quinn: Choose Illinois residents over
dirty energy projects!]
Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to
Governor Pat Quinn:<>
* "Don't let the Illinois legislature force us to pay for a dirty, $3
billion giveaway to the coal industry. As an Illinois resident, I urge you
to veto SB 3766."
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[image: CREDO Action | more than a network, a movement.]

*Tell Gov. Quinn: Veto the $3 billion dirty coal

Dear Daniel,

In a stunning display of its shameful allegiance to the dirty coal
industry, the Illinois legislature voted to force Illinois residents to
foot the bill for a $3 billion coal gasification plant on Chicago's
southeast side.1

Coal gasification is an incredibly dirty, expensive and energy-intensive
process that creates more than twice the climate pollution of conventional
dirty coal plants.

Last month, more than 4,500 CREDO activists told the Illinois Commerce
Commission (ICC) to reject the Leucadia Corporation's proposed coal
gasification boondoggle — *but the state legislature bypassed the ICC's
normal decision making, passing a bill to force local utilities to buy the
dirty coal gas from Leucadia at more than three times the normal price.2*

Our last and only chance to stop this disastrous boondoggle is to convince
Governor Quinn to veto SB 3766.

*Tell Governor Quinn: Protect Illinois residents by vetoing SB 3766. Click
here to automatically sign the petition.*

As If ripping off Illinois consumers by forcing them to pay for this costly
project isn't bad enough, allowing the Leucadia plant to move forward would
also be an environmental nightmare, using more than 10 million gallons of
water from the Calumet River each day.3

*To make matters worse, the proposed location for the plant is just two
blocks from Washington High School, where thousands of students would be
subjected to the plant's dangerous air pollution.*

The Leucadia coal gasification boondoggle is a lose-lose proposition that
Illinois residents could be paying the price for in higher utility bills
and harmful air pollution for decades. This is our last chance to urge
Governor Quinn to stand up for Illinois residents, and stop the dirty,
expensive giveaway SB 3766.

Click below to automatically sign the petition:

*Thank you* for fighting for public health and the environment in Illinois.

Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

1. Southeast Side 'clean coal' plant a step closer to
Chicago Tribune, 5/31/12
2. Bill Status of SB
Illinois General Assembly
3. Leucadia Coal Gasification Synthetic Natural Gas
Sierra Club

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