Wednesday, March 11, 2009

[PDI] Dennis Kucinich describes One Simple Reform that will fix the leading cause of world's ills

LESS than 1 1/2 minutes of your time:

Call/contact your Congress critter today and as often as you can and
demand that Congress support Dennis Kucinich and do its Constitutional
duty to coin (create) money and regulate the value thereof.

If you still believe our money and currency should be backed by precious
metals or that it is the government (and not the banking elite) that is
the root of the problem - please CAREFULLY watch these three you tube
segments, less than 25 minutes total time to watch all 3 segments,
beginning with this one:

Following are some of my additions/reiterations to Dale's presentation
to help dispel common myths:

1. The common myth is that debt free Constitutional money leads to
mischief - when in fact it is debt-based money that has ALWAYS led to
mischief and much worse. This is true whether metals or paper are used
as money. When money is created as debt, be it paper, or metal, it is
treated as a commodity which allows those in control to obtain monopoly
power over it, and government is turned into the servant of the money
power/monopoly (as Jefferson foretold). This is why one of the
Rothschild's said "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of
England to rule the Empire, the man that controls Britain's money supply
controls the British Empire.And I control the money supply." This has
been going on for 1000s of years!

2. Today, we have to keep reminding ourselves that although currency is
printed at the Bureau of Engraving, this is only a TINY fraction of the
money supply - and it is ONLY printed AFTER the government has in effect
borrowed more "money" from the privately owned banking system. In short
- our government does NOT create our money - the private banking system
does, and the banking system is the prime beneficiary - NOT the
government! (Hence a Rothschild scenario is in operation).

3. The money creation system I describe in my book and in the slide
presentation on my website (which is closely aligned with the American
Monetary Institute, with one important element added, as described in
the intro page to my slide presentation) minimizes, if not eliminates
that kind of "you scratch my back" scenario through transparency,
extinguishment and in response to the demand coming directly from the
people's own productive and consumptive capacity.

4. As Byron Dale said - money is a TOOL, nothing more - nothing less. I
urge you to read carefully my page on What is Money (as well as Quotes
on Gold and notable quotes pages):

5. As to metals having an advantage because they are limited this is the
EXACT reason why they should NOT be used as money (something argued hard
and often by Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln and others). Recall that
fractional reserve (creating money as debt) was invented at a time when
metals were used as money.

6. We labor under the media-created myth that the government prints
money, when in fact money is created (mostly as computer digits) when
debt is issued.

Consider that today the total outstanding debt (public and private) is
FAR greater than our money supply. Thus our total debt is $53 trillion
and climbing rapidly, while out money supply, using the broadest and now
unpublished measure of M3 is around $14 trillion (give or take a
trillion). If you use Fed measures of M1 + M2, the money supply is just
$7.7 trillion.

HOW can there be too much money in the system??? There is TOO MUCH DEBT
--- NOT too much money!

As the ending segment of The Money Masters details, this fact has
justified the plunder of other people's resources all through the ages,
and is the reason countries around the world are now disintegrating.

It's well past time we stopped this travesty. PLEASE join this crusade,
and contact your Congress critters now and often on this subject.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please detail the name of the Bill in Congress of which Representative Kucinich has proposed for ending the federal Reserve and issuing debt free currency.
